Element Lord of Jungle

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1

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From BIONICLEsector01

"Have you ever been to the deep forest, Agori? There the creatures live in perpetual darkness because the roof of the woods is too thick to allow sunlight to pass through. Vines strangle the trees, leeching the life from them so they can take their place and capture whatever light they can find. Every living thing profits from the death of another."
— The Element Lord of Jungle to Tarduk, Riddle of the Great Beings

Element Lord of Jungle
Element Lord
Tribe Jungle Tribe
Region Bota Magna
Tools Sword
Status Alive
Location Northern Region

The Element Lord of Jungle is the former ruler of the Jungle Tribe, one of the seven Element Lords.


The Lord of Jungle was a warrior on Spherus Magna who was approached by the Great Beings for an experiment. He became one with the element of Jungle and led the Jungle Tribe.[1]

When two Ice Tribe Agori discovered a spring of Energized Protodermis, all the Element Lords, except the Lord of Earth, met in conference. The Lord of Ice claimed the mysterious liquid for himself and fortified the spring's defenses, igniting the Core War.[2]

The Lord of Jungle led the Jungle Tribe in battle, once fusing several warriors with trees to create the mysterious Forest of Blades.[1] After the Shattering ended the war, he was trapped on Bara Magna.[3]

Nearly 100,000 years later, the Element Lords freed themselves, and the Element Lord of Jungle traveled to the Forest of Blades. He manipulated the forest into capturing Crotesius and Tarduk, who had ventured into the forest on a Sand Stalker. The Lord of Jungle decided to spare Tarduk as he was of the Jungle Tribe but to fuse Crotesius with the forest. The Element Lord was interrupted by Kirbold, who set the forest alight. The Lord of Jungle felt the pain inflicted on the plants and retreated, allowing the Agori to escape.[1]

Abilities and Traits

The Element Lord of Jungle possesses the power of Jungle and is intertwined with the element itself. He is territorial and feels a connection to the jungle and by extension the Jungle Tribe, so he is merciful to its members.[1]


The Lord of Jungle carries a sword that appears to be made out of plant life.[1]


"At first glance, Tarduk thought he might have been made of plants. He was tall and green, with thorns jutting out from his arms and legs and intertwined roots crisscrossing his chest. His eyes were an emerald so dark they were almost black. His arms were long, with thick vines wrapped around them, and more thorns served as his claws. Even his sword looked like it was a green and growing thing, though sharp and deadly."
— Narrator, Riddle of the Great Beings


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