Air Katana

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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Air Katana
Manufacturer Energized Protodermis
Users Toa Nuva Lewa
Toa Nuva Kaita Wairuha
Function Channeling his Air powers
Slicing through plant life[1]
Melee combat
Status Out of use

The Air Katana were Toa Nuva Lewa's initial Toa Tools.

The Air Katana were also used by Toa Nuva Kaita Wairuha, who held them in his right hand.

While the Toa Nuva were on Voya Nui searching for the Kanohi Ignika, Reidak snapped one of Lewa's Air Katana in half over his knee during their skirmish. The other was confiscated by the Piraka after Lewa was knocked unconscious and put in the Piraka Stronghold. Lewa was later able to retrieve the stolen Air Katana when the Stronghold was raided. After the Matoran Resistance had rescued the Toa Nuva, Velika offered to make Lewa a new Katana, and he did so before the Toa left the island.[2][3][4]

After receiving Adaptive Armor, Lewa exchanged the Air Katana for his Air Saber.


An Air Katana as seen in Mask of Light

Lewa could hold the Air Katana up to his sides as glider wings, use them as melee weapons, or channel his Air powers through them.

Example Usage

Lewa using an Air Katana to blast a Shadow Kraata

In a battle against the Rahkshi seen in "At Last -- Takanuva!", Lewa used his Air Katana to create a miniature cyclone to disarm a Kurahk.

In Mask of Light, Lewa saved Takua and Pewku from Rahkshi and flew them to safety using his Air Katana as glider wings.

Set Information

Two identical Air Katana pieces were released with the 8567 Lewa Nuva set in 2002.


  1. Bohrok-Kal Mini Promo CDs.
  2. Inferno. BIONICLE Legends 5, p. 120.
  3. "Official Greg Discussion", post 7165. BZPower Forums. (archived on
  4. BIONICLE: Phantoka Toa Nuva. BIONICLE Games and Activities 7, p. 11.

See also