Ice Blade

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1
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This article is about the Toa Tool sometimes called the Power Blades. You may be looking for the Av-Matoran's weapons or Toa Mahri Jaller's sword.

"Frowning, Kopaka split his ice blade in two and attached the ends to his feet. In an instant, he was flying down the mountain on his power iceskates, sparks flying as the protodermis blades sliced through the ice."
— Narrator, Tales of the Masks

Ice Blade
Manufacturer Energized Protodermis
Users Toa Nuva Kopaka
Function Channeling his Ice powers
Using as iceskates
Melee combat
Status Out of use

The Ice Blade was Toa Nuva Kopaka's Toa Tool, along with his Ice Shield. When Kopaka received his Adaptive Armor, his Ice Blade was replaced with the Blizzard Blade.


The Blade could be wielded as two weapons (one in each hand), or as a single weapon in one hand. When separated, the Blade was also known as the Power Blades.[1] Kopaka usually used the Blade in the single-weapon configuration so he could carry his Ice Shield as well.

In its separated form, the Ice Blade could also be attached to Kopaka's feet a ice skates, known as Power Ice Skates,[2] which Kopaka used to travel quickly down icy slopes and escape foes.

A single Ice Blade

Example Usage

In BIONICLE: Mask of Light, after the Rahkshi attack on Ko-Koro, Kopaka used his Ice Blade as skates to move down the mountain side, aside Takua and Jaller aboard Kopaka's Ice Shield. After regaining consciousness following a hit from a Rahkshi power blast, Kopaka used an ice blast from his blades to knock the flying Rahkshi into a lake, and then froze it down.

Set Information

The Ice Blade was released in the 8571 Kopaka Nuva set of 2002. It could be carried as a single blade, split in two, or worn on Kopaka's feet, held in place by axles.


See also