Gallery:Matoran Homes
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Metru Nui
A shack in the Assembler's Villages
Mata Nui
Ta-Koro homes built into the walls of the village
The exterior of a Ga-Koro hut
Ga-Koro huts in promotional art for BIONICLE: Quest for the Masks
The interior of Nixie's Ga-Koro Hut
The exterior of Nixie's hut after the defeat of the Bohrok-Kal
Ga-Koro homes in BIONICLE: The Game
The exterior of Le-Koro huts
The interior of a Le-Koro hut
Le-Koro Huts from the Mata Nui Explorer
The exterior of Po-Koro huts
The interior of Hewkii's Po-Koro Hut
A Po-Koro hut in Quest for the Toa
The exterior of Onu-Koro huts
Onu-Koro huts built into the cavern wall
Onu-Koro Huts from the Mata Nui Explorer
Concept art
The exterior of a Ko-Koro hut
Ko-Koro homes built into the walls of the village
The interior of a Ko-Koro home
Ko-Koro Huts from the Mata Nui Explorer
A Ko-Koro hut in the BIONICLE: The Game
Voya Nui
The exterior of a hut on Voya Nui
The interior of a hut on Voya Nui
Karda Nui
A Matoran hut in Battle for Power