
From BIONICLEsector01

Q. How do I make a user page?
A. First read the BIONICLEsector01:Account and Privacy Policy#User Page policy, then click here.

Q. If I need help with anything, who do I ask?
A. The Public Relations Staff exist to help you, and you can contact them by editing this page.

Q. Who are the staff?
A. Staff members (AKA Toa Sectra) are members who have received increased responsibilities and work under the owner, Swert.

Q. Is there a place where I can try out Wiki coding and get used to it?
A. Yes. You can use the Sandbox to test edits, however you can create your own personal sandbox.

Q. How can I see what the page I'm editing will look like without actually saving it?
A. You can see a preview by clicking the "Show Preview" button to the right of the button labeled "Save Page".

Q. What are awards and how can you earn them?
A. You can earn awards by doing great things for the Wiki, among other reasons. See the Award and Achievement Policy for more information.

Q. What are achievements, and how do you earn them?
A. Achievements are similar to awards, but are slightly varied. For more information see the Award and Achievement Policy.

Q. Can I give out warnings to other users?
A. Not usually.

Q. Can I clean up after vandals?
A. Although you probably would want to, it is the job of the staff and the APO to deal with vandalism. However, if no staff present on the site, and APO and Vandal Clean Up are not available either, normal members can deal with vandalism.

Q. What is the WikiCon?
A. The WikiCon is sort of a vandalism meter. Anyone may raise it, however only the staff may lower it.

Q: How do I get started on editing?
A: You can edit any page you like, but if you are looking for a specific job, you can help out on the O:RAC, and assist with the CotW.

Q: How can I contact the Staff Members?
A: Via their Talk pages or the Toa Sectra talk page.

Q: Where can I find the rules?
A: At the BIONICLEsector01:Policy section.

Q: Where can I voice my opinions?
A: At the BIONICLEsector01:Member Opinions Hub.