BIONICLEsector01:Help/Basic HTML

From BIONICLEsector01

Basic HTML Tutorial

What is HTML?

HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, is the predominant markup language for websites (including wiki-syntax itself, which are simplified clusters or tags composed with HTML). This guide illustrates basic HTML coding which can be used on BS01 instead of wiki-syntax.

HTML Code Index

Like wiki-coding, HTML functions using pre-defined tags. These tags always begins with a left arrow (<), followed by a declaration (i.e. "b", for bold) and ends with a right arrow (>). The content then follows (i.e. "I am a fish"), and the coding must then be closed by a closing tag, which composes of a left arrow once more, followed by a left dash (/), the declaration and the right arrow.

Below are a list of basic HTML tags which can be used here on BS01:

<em>Content</em> italic text
<b>Content</b> bold text
<h1>Content</h1> Substitution for "=" headers in wiki-coding.
<h2>Content</h2> Substitution for "==" headers in wiki-coding.
<h3>Content</h3> Substitution for "===" headers in wiki-coding.
<h4>Content</h4> Substitution for "====" headers in wiki-coding.
<h5>Content</h5> Substitution for "=====" headers in wiki-coding.