BIONICLEsector01:Help/Badges of Trust

From BIONICLEsector01

Badges of Trust


The Badges of Trust are special tokens which you can use to display on your userpage. The badges shows to new or inexperienced members that you can, and will, offer help when they need to. The Badges of Trust will be used by both the staff and members in order to promote efficiency, and the BoT must not be used for personal ego and must only be used for its designated purpose. Keep in mind this is NOT required, this is optional.

To use the badges, simply place {{Badge of Trust|s{{{stage_number_here}}}}} and {{BoTStages|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}} on your userpage.


The Badges of Trust are split into three levels, and each badge can only be given out by the PR or wiki staff.

Basic Helper

The basic helper badge is given to those who the PR and wiki staff deem to be able to offer newcomers or inexperienced members with basic levels of coding and wiki help. In order to qualify for the badge, one must be active at least twice a week, and have a basic knowledge of the wiki in general. The PR and wiki staff will present you with the badge when they deem you have qualified.

Basic-Intermediate Helper

The basic-intermediate helper badge is the "stepping stone" between the two badges. This is given to those who we feel has achieved more then what the basic badge offers, but not yet enough for the intermediate badge.

Intermediate Helper

The intermediate helper badge is given to those who are able to offer newcomers or inexperienced members a mediocre level of help in wiki coding and the wiki in general. This badge requires the member to have a proper knowledge of the wiki, and the knowledge of basic wiki coding along with at least two types of advanced coding. Also, one must be active at least 4 times a week to qualify, and the PR and wiki staff will present you with the badge when they deem you have qualified.

Intermediate-Advanced Helper

The intermediate-advanced helper badge is the "stepping stone" between the two higher-tier badges. Like the basic-intermediate badge, this is given to those who the PR staff believe has achieved more then what the intermediate helper badge offers, but not yet enough for the advanced badge.

Advanced Helper

The advanced helper badge is given to those who are able to offer newcomers or inexperienced members a high level of help in wiki coding and the wiki in general. This badge requires the member to have a complete knowledge of the wiki, and must understand the basic levels of wiki coding. The receiver of this award should also be capable of manipulating with coding to achieve greater results, and master at least three pieces of advanced wiki coding. He/she must also be able to give out logical and correct advice, and must be positively active. The PR and wiki staff will present you with the badge when they deem you have qualified.

Booster Badges

Booster badges are "add-ons" to helper badges. They are given if a member has a particular skill which can be beneficial to new or inexperienced members, but does not reach the level necessary for the helper badge containing his/her expertise. All boosters have a green letter over it, to indicate that it is a booster badge, and accompanies a helper badge.

Current booster badges are:

  • Coding Booster Badge - Shows that a member is able to offer newcomers or inexperienced members a high level of help in wiki coding.

Terms of Usage

  • The badges can only be used to show that you can help out new or inexperienced members, and the level of skill which you can help them with. The Badges of Trust are in no way a way to boast ego or show off. If this occurs, the Badges of Trust will either be removed by a PR staff.
  • The Wiki Staff and PR Staff will decide whether you will ascend to the next stage. However, you may not continously bother the staff to upgrade your staff or check whether you have helped a new member. Doing so would show that you simply want the badge and it will not be tolerated. The only time when you can contact a PR or Wiki staff about a higher stage badge is when you think that you have helped out a new or inexperienced member and the staff has not reviewed it for over a fortnight.
  • Only one badge may be used at any one point. (With the exclusion of booster badges.)
  • The badges can not be claimed through means of bribery and unfair play. If anybody is found doing so (and they will be if they do so), they will be automatically stripped of all badges and be prohibited from using them again.
  • Owning these badges does not in anyway represent a boost in ego and pride or give you the right to illegally moderate. Performing these tasks under the name of your badge will result in its removal.
  • Despite the fact that you will not become staff simply by earning all available badges, the badges and your record of it will certainly pay a role in consideration if you are ever nominated to be staff. However, it must be stressed that this is not the purpose of the badges, and the point of the badges are to stimulate your interest to help others and make the wiki better along the way. Plus, helping others is a good thing to do, and the badges are simply a way to reward you for doing so. :)