Pop Mhan

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From BIONICLEsector01

"I get a LOT of satisfaction out of my job. I feel I'm particularly lucky to have a job that I love. I also feel that Bionicle especially holds true as a job I really enjoy."
— Pop Mhan, BIONICLEsector01 Interview: Pop Mhan

Pop Mhan
Job BIONICLE Comics Artist (2009-2010)
No longer affiliated with BIONICLE
Department Artist

Pop Mhanaojyakorn, better known as Pop Mhan, was the 2009-2010 BIONICLE comic artist, taking Leigh Gallagher's position as the main artist. As part of this job, he also illustrated a poster depicting Toa Mata Nui for inclusion in the September–October issue of LEGO BrickMaster magazine.

Toa Mata Nui, a BS01 commission


Pop Mhan has worked for WildStorm Productions, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Top Cow Productions, Dark Horse, and TOKYOPOP, as well other companies. He has also worked in Hasbro and in Star Wars card sketches. He initiated his work at BIONICLE with the first comic of 2009, Sands of Bara Magna. He is the last BIONICLE comic artist, as the BIONICLE sets and comics ended in the summer of 2010.

In 2020, ten years after his original run on the BIONICLE comics, Pop Mhan produced a new piece of BIONICLE art for BS01, depicting Mata Nui as seen in Set:8998.

See also

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