Stuart Sayger

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From BIONICLEsector01

"BIONICLE gives me two things that I always wanted out of LEGO building: the ability to design and build characters, and the mechanical workings of the expert builder sets. Put these two things together in a package that creates probably the most poseable action figure on the planet and you've really got something."
— Stuart Sayger, Ignition

Stuart Sayger
Job BIONICLE Comics Artist (2006-2007, 2009)
Department Artist

Stuart Sayger is a professional comic artist who began illustrating the BIONICLE Ignition comic series in 2006, taking over from Carlos D'Anda and Randy Elliott.

Sayger's style is characteristically moody and expressive, and he often uses many forms of media when creating his art. Gouache, chalk and oil pastels, as well as inks, are standard when he creates comic book pages.

He continued to work into 2007 with the Sea of Darkness sub-series, but decided to leave the series in 2008 and was replaced by Leigh Gallagher. He again drew for BIONICLE in 2009, for one of the three exclusive stories in the Graphic Novel BIONICLE 8: Legends of Bara Magna.

Since the cancellation of BIONICLE, Sayger has continued to do individual pieces and commissions featuring the characters, including selling prints at conventions. In 2019, Sayger produced an exclusive artwork for BIONICLEsector01 featuring Toa Lesovikk, a character who never appeared illustrated in the comics.

See also

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