Rotating Shadow Sword

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This article is about the weapon carried by Makuta Icarax. You may be looking for Brutaka's Rotating Blade or Tahu's Rotating Fire Blades.
Rotating Shadow Sword
Users Icarax
Function Melee combat
Channeling his Shadow powers
Status Destroyed

The Rotating Shadow Sword,[1] also known as the Rotating Blade,[2] was one of Makuta Icarax's melee weapons. It was used to channel his Shadow powers. Three claws jutted out from the middle of the sword.[3]

After Icarax took to sitting on the throne in the Destral Fortress, he was sharpening his twin-bladed sword, when Vican arrived.[4] The Rotating Shadow Sword was separated into atoms and were scattered all over the Matoran Universe along with Icarax when Gorast disrupted his Teleportation power.[5]

Example Usage

In The Final Battle, Icarax attempted to tear open Makuta Gorast's armor with his sword so as to incinerate her Antidermis.

Set Information

The Rotating Shadow Sword were released in the 8953 Makuta Icarax set of 2008 and consists of 11 pieces.


  1. "Makuta Icarax." Makuta's Guide to the Universe, p. 86.
  2. BIONICLE Bios - Makuta Icarax,
  3. "Chat with Greg Farshtey", post 12624353. LEGO Message Boards. (archived on
  4. "Chapter 7." Shadows in the Sky. BIONICLE Legends 9, p. 96.
  5. The Final Battle. BIONICLE Legends 11.