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13 March 2025
- diffhist Rhotuka 19:48 −22 Dag talk contribs (→Set Information)
- diffhist Rhotuka 08:16 +65 Wolk talk contribs (→Set Information)
- diffhist m Rhotuka 08:07 +773 Surel-nuva talk contribs (→Set Information)
- diffhist Rhotuka 07:44 +7 Wolk talk contribs (→Set Information)
- diffhist m Rhotuka 06:40 −16 Surel-nuva talk contribs (→Set Information)
- diffhist m Rhotuka 06:04 +4 TuragaHordika talk contribs (→Set Information)
- diffhist Rhotuka 05:13 0 Toatapio Nuva talk contribs (→Set Information)
- diffhist Rhotuka 05:12 +69 Toatapio Nuva talk contribs (→Set Information)
- diffhist m Tuyet 04:00 +20 Surel-nuva talk contribs (→Trivia)
- diffhist Tuyet 02:00 +18 Dag talk contribs (→Trivia)
- diffhist Tuyet 01:56 +157 Willess12 talk contribs (→Trivia: It's a weapon associated with Tuyet; even if it's not confirmed to be the same one she wields, it should still be mentioned on the page.)
12 March 2025
- diffhist Teridax 19:17 −145 Wolk talk contribs
- diffhist m Teridax 03:36 0 Surel-nuva talk contribs (→Toa Empire Alternate Universe: We obviously don't, since it's one of the the ongoing things at the moment...)
- diffhist m Teridax 03:31 +18 Lenny7092 talk contribs (→Toa Empire Alternate Universe: Capitalization. Hope you guys don't mind.)
- diffhist m Teridax 03:31 +156 Lenny7092 talk contribs (→Toa Empire Alternate Universe: I had to make this a little more specific.)
- diffhist Dark Mirror 00:59 0 Dag talk contribs (→Chapter 9: Matching capitalization with MGttU.)
- diffhist Brutaka 00:42 +13 Dag talk contribs (→The Kingdom Alternate Universe)
- diffhist Takanuva 00:33 −183 Dag talk contribs
10 March 2025
- diffhist m Teridax 23:23 +163 Surel-nuva talk contribs (→Mask and Tools: It should be mentioned in the articles though. And since it doesn't fit into any arsenal page, I think it would remain to be an individual page, I guess? So linkning it to pages is necessary)
- diffhist m Dark Mirror 22:30 +18 TuragaHordika talk contribs (→Chapter 4)
- diffhist Tuyet 21:57 −99 Wolk talk contribs (Undo revision 193439 by Wolk (talk) eh I guess.) Tag: Undo
- diffhist Tuyet 21:55 +99 Wolk talk contribs (→Abilities and Traits: Except now the page is orphaned, with this detail of her character not being mentioned.) Tag: Reverted
- diffhist m Toa Nuva Blog 16:36 +22 Surel-nuva talk contribs (The 2007 version calls the main title as Toa Nuva Blog, but the chapters are called Gali Nuva Blog Entry #[ insert number ])
- diffhist Template:OnlineCitation 16:33 +285 Surel-nuva talk contribs
- diffhist Tuyet 16:10 −283 Dag talk contribs (Eljay's question to Greg doesn't technically rely on Tuyet wielding the sword in the Toa Empire universe, so I think leaving it as just "sword" for prime Tuyet is fine.)
9 March 2025
- diffhist m Rahi 18:51 +14 TuragaHordika talk contribs (→S)
- diffhist m Rahi 18:45 +11 TuragaHordika talk contribs (→S)
- diffhist m Metru Nui 18:41 0 TuragaHordika talk contribs (→The Dark Time)
- diffhist m Dume 18:40 0 TuragaHordika talk contribs (→Great Cataclysm)
- diffhist m Powers 18:35 +12 TuragaHordika talk contribs (→Other Rahi)
- diffhist m Rahi 18:34 +12 TuragaHordika talk contribs (→F)
- diffhist Reign of Shadows 10:49 +1,613 Surel-nuva talk contribs
- diffhist Dwellers In Darkness 10:05 +1,281 Surel-nuva talk contribs
- diffhist m Toa Nuva Blog 09:52 0 Surel-nuva talk contribs (→Entry 8)
- diffhist m Toa Nuva Blog 09:26 +20 Surel-nuva talk contribs (→Entry 1)
- diffhist m Dark Mirror 09:23 +221 Surel-nuva talk contribs (→References)
- diffhist Destiny War 09:22 +221 Surel-nuva talk contribs (→References)
- diffhist m Destiny War 07:57 0 Surel-nuva talk contribs (→Chapter 7)
- diffhist m Vehicles 06:16 +26 TuragaHordika talk contribs (→Aqua Magna)
- diffhist m BIONICLE: Encyclopedia Updated 02:45 −2 TuragaHordika talk contribs (→Trivia)
8 March 2025
- diffhist m Gallery:Toa Hagah/Rahaga 07:47 +136 Surel-nuva talk contribs
- diffhist m Gallery:Toa Hagah/Rahaga 07:42 +44 Surel-nuva talk contribs (→Toa Hagah)
- diffhist m Gallery:Toa Hagah/Rahaga 07:42 +46 Surel-nuva talk contribs (→Toa Hagah)
- diffhist m Kualus 07:41 −7 Surel-nuva talk contribs
- Upload log 07:39 Surel-nuva talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:RahagaBomonga.png
- diffhist m Iruini 07:38 +4 Surel-nuva talk contribs
- diffhist m Norik 07:36 −5 Surel-nuva talk contribs