See Also
Under "See Also", Arthaka is listed. Is this really necessary? The only thing similar between them is that they can create Masks, and wear the mask of creation.--Gresh113, Toa of Air (talk) 17:43, 16 December 2014 (CET)
- It does no harm... --Boidoh (talk) 17:46, 16 December 2014 (CET)
- It's a bit confusing, though.--Gresh113, Toa of Air (talk) 17:47, 16 December 2014 (CET)
- They're still counterparts between G1 and G2, more or less. Creators, leaders, Mask of Creation wearers... I think an argument could be made for removing all such links for articles with counterparts, but nothing about Ekimu/Artakha stands out to me to justify just removing theirs. --~|RC|~ (Talk/Contribs)
- I think a distinction could be made as to WHY we link to a certain "see also" page, but that might be a slightly larger undertaking than just this. Would be a good place to start, though. -- Dorek Talk
18:13, 16 December 2014 (CET)
So is he alive or dead?
Everything up until now has implied unconsciousness, but the first episode released today very clearly states he was lifeless and they even "put him to rest" (being a common euphemism for burying the dead). Or is there not enough to decide one way or the other yet? --~|RC|~ (Talk/Contribs)
- Isn't going into an endless sleep the same thing as dying? I say their dead, HOWEVER, in the prayer, it states that the Toa need to find the Mask Maker... --Boidoh (talk) 21:47, 16 December 2014 (CET)
- A coma is not the same as death, which is what we had been thinking he was in. --~|RC|~ (Talk/Contribs)
- Since Ekimu's in a sarcophagus, I assumed that meant either Makuta or whoever made the Masks of Creation and Control (assuming thos masks weren't made by Ekimu or Makuta).
- I believe he might actually be dead. The narrator describes Ekimu's body as "lifeless" and afterwards he says he was "laid to rest", a term used for burying a dead person. It even shows the Protectors placing Ekimu in a tomb of some sort. --Collector1100 (talk) 21:53, 16 December 2014 (CET)
- It's possible that he's dead, but at the same time, he also appears to be whispering the Prophecy of Heroes during the scene when the Protectors find him, so it's a bit up in the air. I was just going to put "unknown" =P. -- Dorek Talk
04:49, 17 December 2014 (CET)
- Hm. Interesting. Maybe Ekimu is still alive, but not in the physical world? That would be a literal Great Spirit. --Collector1100 (talk) 07:38, 17 December 2014 (CET)
- It's possible that he's dead, but at the same time, he also appears to be whispering the Prophecy of Heroes during the scene when the Protectors find him, so it's a bit up in the air. I was just going to put "unknown" =P. -- Dorek Talk
"Thousands of years"
Where did we get that information? Is it perhaps from the new LEGO magazine? And in any case, shouldn't it be cited? --Angel Bob (talk) 21:57, 28 December 2014 (CET)
- It probably should, but A. I'm lazy, and B. The magazine technically isn't out yet, or at least, it hasn't seen a wide release, so I'm not quite sure how we're presenting it; it's here for reference. If we make a page for it, it might not need citing in that case? -- Dorek Talk
22:25, 28 December 2014 (CET)
- It's officially released as of last week. Also any fact should be cited if anyone could have any question about it. Especially 5+ years down the road, citing things now will help people cross-reference "old" information (which you can see could be difficult looking at pages about things circa 2001). --Meiko (talk) 00:08, 29 December 2014 (CET)
>"as of last week"
citation needed~
Anyway, we've had the discussion on overciting things. This should probably be cited, yes, because it's the current only reference for the "thousands of years" thing, but the information likely will crop up elsewhere, which will make a citation pointless. -- Dorek Talk 02:46, 29 December 2014 (CET)
- Outside of the whole citing thing, I would like to point that the magazine does not say that Ekimu's body was found thousands of years after the battle, just that the Toa arrived thousands of years after the battle. The Protectors seem to have known the Prophecy long enough for it to be passed between generations; the thousands of years interval is probably between "they learned the prophecy" and "they recited the prophecy", not between "Makuta & Ekimu battled" and "Ekimu's body was found". --maxim21 09:27, 29 December 2014 (CET)
- "Desperately, the Protectors gathered in the most sacred place, the Temple of Time. Reciting what was known as the Prophecy of Heroes, they sent their prayers to the sky.
- The prophecy was whispered the Protectors a long time ago when they found the lifeless body of Ekimu, the mask maker, and laid him to rest."
- I think the "a long time ago" imply there is a long time between the summoning of the Toa and discovery of Ekimu's body. --maxim21 19:08, 29 December 2014 (CET)
I agree with maxim21's interpretation. Keep in mind, the Protectors we see in the animation finding Ekimu may not be the Protectors we see greeting the Toa. Their armor, masks, and weapons are identical, true -- but every single villager is also identical, so having the same appearance =/= being the same person in these animations. That idea is just a theory, but keeping it in mind, it makes sense for the millennia gap to be between the body's discovery and the Toa's arrival. --Angel Bob (talk) 20:58, 29 December 2014 (CET)
- Not to mention the masks are specifically said to be handed down by their ancestors.
- It's certainly a plausible scenario. Any other bits of evidence? -- Dorek Talk
22:28, 29 December 2014 (CET)
I dunno about some of you guys, but I feel the quote he has from Island of the Lost Masks listed at the bottom of the page would make a better quote for the top. Biological Chronicler - I wish you the speed of Pohatu, traveler!
Did Ekimu communicate with the Toa via his Golden Mask (which was telepathically connected to the Golden Masks of Power) or was he connected telepathically to the masks? -- Surel-Nuva (Talk) 20:10, 10 September 2016 (CET)