Talk:Lewa (Generation 1)

From BIONICLEsector01


What is our source for the pronunciation of his name? In both the Mask of Light movies and in the gen2 material, it is pronounced LEE-WAH instead of the LAY-WAH we have listed here. Intelligence4 (talk) 21:19, 6 April 2016 (CET)

Encyclopedias, guide books, Greg, etc. The movie is the whole reason why people are always aggro about pronunciations. -- Dorek Talk external image 21:41, 6 April 2016 (CET)
which ones though? i know this is a little pedantic, but all our actual audio sources say EE instead of AY, including other references besides just the movie. it seems a little odd that we'd follow a print source for a pronunciation instead of an audio one.
another thought, we only have the netflix clips and the online animations for g2 lewa, so since the two are supposedly separate, we should change our records for g2 at least, since there's no conflicting sources.Intelligence4 (talk) 06:03, 12 April 2016 (CET)
G2 should be LEE, I'll have to dig up the encyclopedia for G1, but given how many times it was debated on BZP, yeah, it's legit. -- Dorek Talk external image 22:52, 13 April 2016 (CET)

Did you ever find anything?Intelligence4 (talk) 07:10, 1 May 2016 (CET)

I'm certain no one is too interested in this being brought up again, however I figure I should contribute this at the very least for thoughts on the conversation. I have a quote here from an old friend of mine who had asked Greg about the pronunciation of Lewa's name in G1. The following is from 2010:

Q: Is it Lee-wah or Lay-wah?
Greg: Depends on who you talk to. Seriously, everyone at LEGO has a different pronunciation.
Q: So there's no right or wrong? Cuz I was talking to two BZP friends. One said on BS01 its lay-wah and the other said you told him lee-wah lol
Greg: I have always pronounced it Lee-wah, but I would probably consider the movie pronunciation official.
I've spoken with Swert on this and he's basically given me the full go-ahead to make the switch, but I figure that would be rude and unseemly of me to do. I put this forward for consideration and conversation. Thank you! User:Eljay Johnsen(talk)
And can confirm, this is the real Eljay :) --external image Owner (talk|contribs)
This is the only true way and violators will be subject to the prison of "Haha Your Opinion Is Wrong Thanks To Greg" 𝙗𝙮 𝙒𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙯 17:56, 15 April 2022 (UTC)


In the 2008 retrospective, Tony Wedgwood uses Lü-wə (LOO-WAH) when referring to Lewa. I hesitate to beat a dead horse, but as this was an official source (and many fans' introduction to the character), I feel it should be represented on Lewa's G1 page as an additional—if less common—pronunciation.
Witch (talk) 4:32, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
Typically, I've avoided pronounciations that come from visual media, be it videos, promo CDs or the movies, because we'd have to agree on how to spell them out, and it may start to be a lot for some characters. ~ Wolk (talk) 11:34, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
I agree with you. We should certainly steer clear of oversaturation and clutter. In this page’s case, however, alternate phonology appearing solely in visual media seems to have precedent for inclusion, and Farshtey himself has even drawn attention to both the ambiguous nature of the character’s name and the weight carried by enunciation in visual media.
The source in question is one of, if not the most recent, and even has [its own IMDb page]. I’m not advocating that we reinvent the wheel here—just that another existing variation be added to a list already containing information cited from similar sources.
If no one objects, I propose we add “LOO-wah[1]and “LOO-wah NOO-vah[2]to the pronunciation section of this page, or take the matter to a vote.
Witch (talk) 12:51, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
We can, but I think in that case, we should also cite the Bohrok Promo CD[3] for LAY-wah, and the Lehvak-Kal CD[4] and Mask of Light[5] for LEE-wah, to show the whole. ~ Wolk (talk) 17:45, 5 February 2023 (UTC)

As far as citing the above quote... someone would need to reach out to Eljay I guess? It annoys me when people did not post their quotes into the Greg topic... ~ Wolk (talk) 05:10, 8 February 2023 (UTC)

No one reached out to me, but that's why it helps to lurk, I suppose.
I wasn't the one that asked the question, it was a friend of mine at the time. When he got a reply, he sent it to me and I saved it to a file on my computer, which I still have a copy of. It's dated October 22nd, 2010. The username of the person that asked was, at the time, Scotus. He never posted it to BZP publicly, and I didn't either. That's about all I've got.
As far as the conversation at hand is concerned, there seemed to be a good system that you guys just scrapped, having the multiple variations listed in the info block. LOO-wah may be written, but considering LEE-wah was spoken (hence, the movie is a reasonable source to cite), AND it's what is listed as the proper pronunciation for G2?... feels inconsistent with how it is now. If I'm not mistaken, this has been discussed with Greg during audio interviews, but it's been so long that I don't exactly recall. I know he did the initial one with TTV, then the one I did with him a few years ago for my show, and finally he was a part of the 810NICLE Day stream where this subject was brought up. Funnily enough, the consensous from that last one was that the intention was always that the name be pronounced LEE-wah. -Eljay D. Johnsen (LEGO Ambassador for The TTV & KTP Channel) (talk) 21:58, 16 February 2023 (UTC)

The G2 ones are the only truly "inconsistent" of the bunch since we functionally only HAVE audio sources to go off of (the alternative being not including pronunciations at all, which... would be fine). Unless they had some sort of internal pronunciation guide, which feels doubtful, but in the absence of it, audio-only is what we have to work with.

As for G1, "Lay" is what is consistently written out across multiple sources (the emphasis differs, but hey, notes sections works for that) so in keeping with all the other pronunciations which we specifically use written sources for, it wouldn't make any sense to not use that for here. "Lee", as far as I'm aware, was never actually written anywhere, so regardless of how people feel about it, it lacks the necessary officiality. The citation for how Greg chooses to personally pronounce it is only relevant for the footnote; if that file could be added somewhere (a BZP topic, the Great Archives, wherever) then that would be great.

And, of course, worth noting that Greg himself pronounces it "loo-wah" in the audio serials, so maybe using purely audio isn't as effective as one may think. -- Dorek Talk 03:34, 17 February 2023 (UTC)


A few weeks ago, someone added a trivia point that lewa didn't start using treespeak until he got to mata nui. do we have a source on that? Intelligence4 (talk) 00:56, 14 November 2016 (CET)

Yes. I added, because in the flashbacks of the BL10 he doesn't use the treespeak at all. -- Surel-Nuva (Talk) 13:18, 14 November 2016 (CET)

"Mysterious voice"

Was it ever clarified who ordered Lewa to take the Sundial to the Archives? Was it Krakua? --- Creep 02:51, 27 November 2016 (CET)

It could also have been Artakha or a Great Being. I have the sense that Greg evenrually answered this; I'd check the Farshtey Feed first. --Angel Bob (talk) 04:22, 27 November 2016 (CET)

Was anything ever found on this? Intelligence4 (talk) 06:41, 15 December 2016 (CET)

It was never revealed, but Greg might be willing to reveal it now. I'm gonna ask him after he anwers the last batch of questions I left him. OnionShark 13:44, 15 December 2016 (CET)

It was a pre-programmed voice by the GBs...
--OnionShark 20:16, 20 January 2017 (CET)
:/ i still call bs on the great beings predicting everything to a T like that. if they were that certain about everything, then we wouldn't have so much variation in all the alternate universes and stuff. anyway, greg said "most likely" it was a recording of the great beings - are we going to count that as affirmative? Intelligence4 (talk) 00:31, 22 January 2017 (CET)
another note on the spot where you made that edit, we should add a citation for what story source that came from - it was the gali nuva blog, right? Intelligence4 (talk) 00:33, 22 January 2017 (CET)
We should always aim to distinguish between firm yes/no answers and uncertain answers--see here. -- Morris the Mata Nui Cow (talk) 01:30, 22 January 2017 (CET)
(Hopefully) fixed link (and added "aim to"). -- Morris the Mata Nui Cow (talk) 08:26, 22 January 2017 (CET)

I can tell you were linking to a greg answer on the wayback machine, but other than that, the page is all messed up. text bubbles are overlayed on other text bubbles, and everything is huge, it's a total mess. idk if that's just my machine's configuration or if it's like that for everybody, but i thought i'd bring that up just in case. either way, that makes me still unsure of your point as a result lol. Intelligence4 (talk) 08:03, 22 January 2017 (CET)

Oh sorry about that! Hopefully the link is fixed now. If not (I think that copy may not always load correctly) here's the original post. It's a quote where Greg says, "There's a difference between 'feeling at the moment' and a definitive answer." -- Morris the Mata Nui Cow (talk) 08:26, 22 January 2017 (CET)
haha no problem - it's going to be fun after lego shuts down the boards :) So we shouldn't assume he was confirmed as Great Beings then, right? if so it should be removed from the page Intelligence4 (talk) 08:35, 22 January 2017 (CET)
I always thought it was Artakha... -- Surel-Nuva (Talk) 09:43, 22 January 2017 (CET)
that would make the most sense, imo. he was kind of an all-powerful sort of dude, and he would have been in the universe to know what needed to be done to awaken mata nui once again, unlike the great beings - they even programmed a mask to destroy all life if everything went to heck, which i think is a firm indicator that they couldn't have predicted stuff to that level of detail. Intelligence4 (talk) 00:50, 23 January 2017 (CET)
  1. BIONICLE 4-Minute RetrospectiveArchived 2 December 2008. Retrieved 5 February 2023.
  2. BIONICLE 4-Minute RetrospectiveArchived 2 December 2008. Retrieved 5 February 2023.
  3. Bohrok Swarms Promo CD.
  4. Bohrok-Kal Mini Promo CDs.
  5. BIONICLE: Mask of Light.