BIONICLEsector01:Account and Privacy Policy

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From BIONICLEsector01

Account Policy

In order to contribute to the BIONICLEsector01 wiki, you must first create an account. By signing up and creating an account, you agree to adhere to these rules, as well as the general policies of the wiki.

1) Make only ONE account. Any accounts found to be from the same computer network will be banned. The only exception to this is if a family member wants to make an account for themselves. If this should occur, please inform a Staff Member, who will examine the case.

1.5) If you have family, use separate emails. This will then allow us staff the opportunity to not mistake family for a single user with multiple accounts. If you have family/someone who will be using the same IP, let us know in advance that this other member is a different person, NOT a duplicate account. Many a time people will throw excuses at us, like "this member was just signing on at my house" or "this is my little brother." Unfortunately we have no way to confirm that, so security dictates we assume the account is a dupe. If a situation like this will occur, let us know BEFORE it happens.

2) Don't give out your passwords. You are responsible for your account, we cannot be held responsible for anyone getting on your account.

2.5) If you lose your password, do NOT create a new account. There are multiple avenues of password recovery, the simplest of which is using the available password recovery system to generate a new password.

3) Do not use accounts that belong to a sibling. Intentional utilizing of a sibling's accounts in addition to your own will be seen as abusing multiple accounts, and result in a banning.

4) Do not create an account who's name is similar to that of a staff member. Failure to comply with this rule will result in an immediate ban.

By following these simple rules and guidelines, you will all feel safer and keep the Wiki safe.

Privacy Policy

To ensure the safety of our members, we have instituted a Privacy Policy to ensure the health and well-being of the members. BS01, in turn, agrees not to distribute any information about you, or use your information for anything.

1) First names only. Though most prefer to be known by their online moniker, some people use their real names. On BS01, you may only reveal your first name.

2) No Specific Location. Don't give out your address, your street, or your town.

3) About Contact. Do not give out your phone-numbers. Email addresses, BZP names, and various IM screennames are fine.

4) COPPA Consistent with the Federal Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, we will never knowingly request personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13 without requesting parental consent.

User Page Policy

By creating an account on BS01, you gain access to a User Page, which allows you to post information you want people to know about yourself, such as a favorite characters list. However, the userpage also has a set of rules that must be adhered to.

1) You may not have the following on your user page:

  • Blogs or journals
  • Extensive discussion not related to the BS01 Wiki
  • Opinion pieces not related to BS01 Wiki or other non-encyclopedic material
  • Links to YouTube (The exception is noted in the Video Policy page.)
  • Links to sites with forums
  • Inappropriate content
  • Content that is disrespectful and/or demeaning to anyone. No discrimination whatsoever
  • Spam (Stupid, Pointless, Annoying Messages)
  • Excessive leet
  • Contests of any kind
  • Your full or last name (as per the above security rules)

2) Always follow the other policies. If there is something you want to put on your user page that doesn't break a rule listed here, but does in another policy, don't add it in.

3) Do not block the basic links. Do not in any way block the left sidebar or user-specific links at the top right corner of the screen on your user page. It is a hindrance and nuisance to other members. Changing the color of these is acceptable, but completely blocking them (or portions of them) is not.

4) Two user subpages per member. User subpages have many uses, from a special userbox page to a personal sandbox. At first, the staff here tried to keep things down to a minimum. However, as of the writing of this, you can now have two (2) extra pages with anything you want on them, provided you follow the rules and create pages with content within reason. As such, you must link both user subpages on your main user page. This will allow the staff to see how many you have. Remember to give your subpages titles that represent and make clear what they are supposed to be used for.

5) Don't dwell on your user page If you come only to make your own user page, and don't attempt to actually help the Wiki and community here grow, then you forfeit the right to have one.

Signature Policy

Signatures are a personal way to provide identification and link back to your userpage, but must also adhere to certain guidelines. If your signature is in violation of these rules, you will be asked to change it. If you refuse to do so, you will face a block.

1) You MUST use a signature after every comment. Otherwise, it is harder to identify the owner of said comment.

2) Feature username and/or link. A signature must contain the user's name and/or a link to their page.

3) Do not use BS01-hosted images. Any images uploaded to the BIONICLEsector01 Wiki are off-limits for signature usage. By that same token, do not upload pictures for your own usage either, as per the above page guidelines and image use policy.

4) Keep the size reasonable. Outrageously-sized signatures are not permitted. This includes both dimensions and file size. It is at the discretion of the staff to decide if a signature is too big or not, but nothing exceeding 100px wide by 50px tall. In addition, the combined file size of any and all images or other non-text objects within a signature may not exceed 100 kilobytes (kb).

4.5) The coding that makes up a signature should not be any longer than 750 characters (or five lines, whichever comes first) in length. If a signature takes up any more than that, it should either be shortened or have a sub-page to house its coding.

5) No more than 40 characters should be displayed when a signature is used. A timestamp does not count towards this number.

6) No movement. Nothing animated may be housed in a signature. This includes, but is not limited to: moving images or flash as well as anything done with Wiki coding.

7) Ensure legibility. Font colors that are difficult to read on the standard white background of the BS01 Wiki are not permitted. Overly-convoluted or distorted font faces are not acceptable either.

8) No wiki-related templates. Templates, other than ones specifically made to contain a signature's code, may not be used.

9) Be appropriate. Profane language, sexual content, or anything else that could be deemed unsuitable is no more allowed in signatures than it would be anywhere else on the Wiki.

10) Intentionally copying other member signatures is not allowed. Make yours unique and it will be less confusing.