User:Lukas Exemplar/Sandbox

This page features content from BIONICLE Generation 1

Shortcut: Miserix
From BIONICLEsector01
"Lukas Exemplar" is not an official name.
The subject of this article has not been officially named. The term "Lukas Exemplar" either reflects how the subject has been referred to in-story or is an unofficial name popular among fans.

"I have seen those kind of chains before. They grow and shrink with him. They feed on his own power and use it to hold him."
Lariska to the rest of the Federation of Fear members, Federation of Fear

Lukas Exemplar/Sandbox
Manufacturer Unknown
Users Krika (formerly)
Function Entrap
Feed on and drain a being's power/energy
Grow and shrink with a being
Status In use
Location Artidax[1]

Weakening Chains are metal chains that feed on the power of whoever they shackle so that the shackled being is too weak to break free of them on their own. They will also grow or shrink with a being if they themselves do in order to accommodate size changes, making it impossible for shapeshifters to break free of them by growing in size or slip out of them by decreasing in size.[2][3]


It is unknown who created the Weakening Chains. At one point in her life, Lariska witnessed Weakening Chains being used.[citation needed]

When former Brotherhood of Makuta leader, the Makuta Miserix, was secretly imprisoned by Krika on the island of Artidax following Teridax's usurping of his position in order to avoid having to execute the dragon-like Makuta, Krika shackled Miserix with Weakening Chains. Miserix remained shackled with the Weakening Chains in his prison on the island for 79,100 years,[2][3] until 16 months ago the Order of Mata Nui sent an elite suicide team of villains to free the former Brotherhood leader to make him the Order's ally in their war against the Brotherhood and Teridax.

When they came to Miserix's prison, Lariska quickly identified them and told the rest of the team of them and how they worked. Brutaka and Roodaka broke the chains, while Vezon and Lariska fended off the Klakk.[4][5][6][3]


Weakening Chains weaken both the natural energy and powers of whoever they bind. They also grow and shrink in order to accomodate anyone they bind, even if the bindes victim grows massively in size in a short period of time, such as when a shapeshifter changes their own size.[citation needed]



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