Talk:Hydro Blades

From BIONICLEsector01

Twin or no twin?

Putting this here, but it applies to the rest of the Toa Metru tools. Should the names include "twin"? It's hard to tell with some sources since they're all lower case, but some are clear one way or another. The novels also use both forms except for the proto pitons, which never use "twin proto pitons".

twin aero slicers (MGttU), twin aero slicers (BEU), Twin aero slicers (MN-CoL), Aero-Slicers (

twin hydroblades (MGttU), twin HYDROBLADES (BEU), Twin hydroblades (MN-CoL), Twin Hydro Blades (

twin crystal spikes (MGttU), twin CRYSTAL SPIKES (BEU), Twin crystal spikes (MN-CoL), Crystal Spikes (

twin earthshock drills (MGttU), twin earthshock drills (BEU), Twin earthshock drills (MN-CoL), Earthshock Drills (

twin proto pitons (MGttU), twin PROTO PITONS (BEU), Proto pitons (MN-CoL), Proto Pitons (

Also, for the hydro blades specifically, should it be hydroblades instead? Dag (talk) 00:57, 27 February 2025 (UTC)

On the other hand, it should be mentioned tgat the Aqua Axes are listed on Gali's BEU entry as twin AQUA AXES, while having an individual entry as "AQUA AXES". And the Crystal Spikes and the Proto Pitons have also individual entries without the "twin" adjective, while listed as twins in their respective Toa's entries.--SurelNuva (Talk) 05:06, 27 February 2025 (UTC)
Hydroblades for sure. The "twin" terminology might have been used on the Air Katana or Quake-Breakers too, or the Voyatoran tools? That it is not part of the entrynames in the Encyclopedia I think should speak towards it just being a way to say "two". ~ Wolk (talk) 07:36, 27 February 2025 (UTC)

Good catch on the aqua axes, Surel. Also I completely missed that the crystal spikes and proto pitons have entries in the BEU. I think I tried looking for the hydroblades first, saw they didn't have one, and assumed the rest didn't either. Also, Wolk, here's what I found for the air katana and quake breakers:

two air katana (MGttU), twin AIR KATANA (BEU), Air Katana (

twin quake breakers (MGttU), a pair of QUAKE BREAKERS (BEU), Quakebreakers (

It's definitely used for them too, but not as consistent as the Metru tools. And the Voyatoran tools aren't listed on, but the BEU and MGttU have twin for all but Piruk (two shredder claws). I agree the proto pitons should stay the same, as well as crystal spikes, but since earthshock drills and aero slicers aren't capitalized in the BEU, they're debatable. Hydroblades, however, should change. Either that, or we should rename Twin Cutter to Cutters.

twin cutters (MGttU), twin CUTTERS (BEU), Twin Cutter (, TWIN CUTTER (Toa Chamber)

Just like the hydroblades, twin isn't capitalized in the BEU, though the cutters don't have an actual entry, and includes twin. Dag (talk) 14:45, 27 February 2025 (UTC)

I'm kind of thorn on Twin Cutters and Twin Propellers/ Rotating Propeller/Drill Claws for the same reason. On one hand, the capitalization is in line with hydroblades, on the other hand "Cutters" sounds way too short lol.--SurelNuva (Talk) 16:04, 27 February 2025 (UTC)