
From BIONICLEsector01

Greg just confirmed that Mimic probably finds his friend eventually, should we add that? [1]--LavaringX (talk) 07:14, 28 February 2017 (CET)

Yeah! I made a contribution to the Bionicle story! woo hoo! i was the one who asked if mimic ever found his friend btw. --"♫We're driving old smokey! Porkchop's at the wheel! When we hit the junk realm, we'll make the drones squeal!♫" ~Prof. Srlojohn 18:23, 1 April 2019 (UTC)

the eventuality of mimic finding his friend

Greg said here:

That he pretty much will, it just won't be shown? doesn't that make it certain then? --"♫We're driving old smokey! Porkchop's at the wheel! When we hit the junk realm, we'll make the drones squeal!♫" ~Prof. Srlojohn 12:51, 2 April 2019 (UTC)

I mean, he literally says that it didn't happen, so no, for the purposes of recording, it's not a certainty. It's fine as a trivia point (although the added flavor of his friend having escaped the MU probably had something to do with it). -- Dorek Talk external image 06:00, 5 April 2019 (UTC)
"I assume," "Most likely," while it's probable, I have to agree it's not a certainty that it would occur. ~ Wolk (talk) 07:21, 5 April 2019 (UTC)
I Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree then. And since Dorek is staff, he wins. Oh well. That's life. --"♫We're driving old smokey! Porkchop's at the wheel! When we hit the junk realm, we'll make the drones squeal!♫" ~Prof. Srlojohn 12:23, 5 April 2019 (UTC)

Mirrored Image

I noticed that the "2" on the Technic connector on Mimic's staff is mirrored, indicating a flipped image. Is this worth mentioning if the proper orientation was never shown?

The Jerminator (talk) 23:36, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

Mimic's Tool

This page currently says that Mimic carries a sword, but the weapon on the model sure doesn't look like a sword, and I can't find any official source describing it as such. His entry in the Dark Hunters book (which is currently being cited as the source of this information) says that Mimic could master a sword if he watched someone using one, but it doesn't say that he actually carries one. Is this a misinterpretation of this source, or is the tool described as a sword in a different source that isn't currently cited?

The Jerminator (talk) 23:52, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

Hmm, I'd say it's the "no duh" rule where it's plainly there, but I'm okay with calling it a "bladed weapon" or something if sword is perhaps too specific. -- Dorek Talk 01:38, 10 January 2023 (UTC)