Shadow Kraata have greater level of power ?
The page says that "Shadow Kraata have a greater level of power than its previous stages" then uses comics 14 and 15 to support that fact. I just re-read those two comics entirely and they don't say anything about that. In both cases, the sentence that says that Shadow Kraata are the most powerful of Kraata is immediately followed by the sentence that says it can infect masks from a distance. The way I read it is that the extra power that is specific to Shadow Kraata being the ultimate stage of Kraata *is* the ability to infect a mask at a distance. It says nothing of the "level of power" that Shadow Kraata have on their innate power. Malorne (talk) 12:01, 9 December 2024 (UTC)
- I am not finding any definitive reference to Shadow Kraata being more powerful either; only that Greg maintains their main advantage is infecting from a distance. I have edited the page accordingly. ~ Wolk (talk) 19:22, 9 December 2024 (UTC)
Are Kraata organic?
Are Kraata somehow organic? If they are, does anyone have a source on it? Also, do we have a source on the statement that only Kraata with a rare "strain of genetic material" evolve into Shadow Kraata? - in which case I think it's fair to say they are organic. Or maybe partly organic? They don't seem biomechanical, at least. ----Lukas Exemplar (talk) 01:42, 4 February 2021 (UTC)
- They're certainly described as being like worms and slugs (Journey's End page 38 for an easy example), so that's the assumption I'd go with--though off the top of my head I don't know of any source that expressly confirms that they're organic. Can't speak to the Shadow Kraata, though. --Gonel (talk) 02:17, 4 February 2021 (UTC)
Well, they're made directly from the Makuta's essence (whatever that means), so I would assume so. --ToaOfGallifrey
- Alrighty, so, Kraata, like Krana, are fully organic. With regards to genetics, it appears that he doesn't mean DNA in the sense that some accidentally did (pushing back on that idea several times sharply). Despite this, he maintains here that turning out a Shadow Kraata is like a genetic mutation or a process of random selection (though he shoots down a different discussion on genetics ten posts earlier). But here here expressly calls it a genetic mutation.
A larger question is, of course, if everything is made out of protodermis, what constitutes "organic"? What are the birds on Spherus Magna made out of, carbon? Does that mean Kraata are also carbon? (feel free to substitute carbon with whatever). They're essentially condensed energy, so while there is organic Protodermis (the tissue connecting the parts), does this meet that same criteria? -- Dorek Talk 01:24, 6 February 2021 (UTC)
Some Kraata Facts
I found some quotes from Greg that should be added to this page.
Destroyed Kraata energy will return to their maker, it is question 11. If this causes any opposition such as why has this not happen before I belive the reason is most of the kraata that were recently destroyed were incierated or mutated in the shadow leech experiments making them too altered to be returned to the makuta.
Kraata are created in random stages. It is question 4.
Makuta can absorb Kraata back into themselves. It is questions 3 and 3a
I hope these findings can be added to this page. Makuta of Mata Nui (talk) 09:37, 22 December 2022 (UTC)