Rahi status 1. You recently said that each member of a certain intelligent species would each have a different Rhotuka power, and you were talking about Frostelus. Are those guys more intelligent than meets the eye? 1a. Would you consider them a sapient race? 1) Well, I don't consider them Rahi, if that's what you're asking 1)would you consider the frostelus to be a non-rahi species? 1)yes.
It sounds like Frostelus are not actual Rahi; more akin to Kraata, Bahrag and the Daikau... :/ ~ Wolk (talk) 16:04, 30 April 2020 (UTC)
- What do the encyclopedias say? I don't mind classifying them as "other beings" since that was sort of baked into their origins from the start. Like Vatuka and some of those others you mentioned, just because the Matoran see them that way doesn't mean that's what they are. -- Dorek Talk
19:26, 30 April 2020 (UTC)
- "[...] Somewhere on the border line between Rahi and Toa-Turaga-Matoran, Frostelus may be former victims of the Visorak or some previously undiscovered species. [...]" - C23. "A savage species somewhere between a Rahi and a Toa, Frostelus dwell inside floating "homes" that resemble icerbergs. [...]" - BEU. Like the Protocairn they were unveiled with, they do not appear in the Rahi Beasts book. ~ Wolk (talk) 07:30, 1 May 2020 (UTC)
This Farshtey Feed says they're intelligent Rahi. I guess this is why there were considered Rahi here? — Surel—Nuva (Talk) 07:38, 5 May 2020 (UTC)