
From BIONICLEsector01

About me

Bionicle is my childhood hobby, and Wiki contribution is my current one. I just signed up with the same nick I use on Wikimedia to fix a typo.

Alternate realities

Some alternate realities where Makuta Teridax wins:

  • Teridax kills Vakama in the Battle at the Great Barrier, killing the remaining Toa Metru and proceeding with his main plan. The Matoran of Metru Nui worship him instead of Mata Nui, he kills other Makuta and takes on Great Spirit Robot. He probably goes to Bara Magna and Bota Magna, and invades or destroys them. He then probably goes to other parts of the space to invade other planets, eventually invading the known universe with his powerful body and dispatched armies on ground.
  • Matoro fails to save Mata Nui from death, and Mata Nui dies. The Kingdom Alternate Universe happens, but Teridax's raid on The Kingdom proves to be successful.
  • In Battle of Bara Magna, Teridax in GSR beats Mata Nui in Prototype Robot. He destroys Bara Magna as he attempted to do in prime reality and does so. He then proceeds to invade the known universe. Inside him the remaining Toa, Matoran and Order of Mata Nui members would still keep fighting against his reign though, and they may win if he does not actively intervene as most of his Rakshi and Skakdi allies were dispatched on Bara Magna which was destroyed by him.