Talk:Ta-Koro Guard

From BIONICLEsector01

Two-Pronged Spear vs Bident

I put the weapon in Agni's infobox as Bident, and that is what this appears to be, but everywhere else on the wiki, they are called Two-Pronged Spears. Can I change these instances to bident, or should I change what I did on Agni's page to match? Firespitter Lhii (talk) 17:29, 21 December 2023 (UTC)

I prefer bident. I don't think there's any official name for them. ~ Wolk (talk) 18:04, 21 December 2023 (UTC)
I think I'll go ahead and change it then, with descriptions for the changes just incase it is decided they should be reverted. Firespitter Lhii (talk) 18:15, 21 December 2023 (UTC)

Ta-Metru Guard

Is it not called the Ta-Metru Guard? It calls it the Ta-Metru Guard in the character introductions of Bionicle Legends #1: Island of Doom. Someone already must have realized this since there is a redirect. I get that some editor putting it into a character bio does not a canon name make, but it at least deserves a trivia point, no? I will look into anything else that might make light of this in a bit, but if anyone else knows something or has something to say, then go ahead. Firespitter Lhii (talk) 02:33, 30 December 2024 (UTC)

What do you mean? The Ta-Metru Guard name is already cited in the first sentence on the page. ~ Wolk (talk) 05:11, 30 December 2024 (UTC)
If you imply we should rename it, since it got renamed as the Ta-Metru Guard after they left Mata Nui, I think the "Ta-Koro Guard" is the more well known term that people would search for, if they want informatiom about this group.--SurelNuva (Talk) 07:23, 30 December 2024 (UTC)