Talk:Jungle Tribe
From BIONICLEsector01
Tesaran apprentices?
As I was reading through Raid on Vulcanus, I noticed these details:
- "[Gresh] hoped Vastus or some of the other Glatorian would be [at Tesara] when he arrived." (page 37-38)
- "Gresh was on his way in[to Vulcanus], riding alongside an Iconox Glatorian named Strakk and a few others from Tesara that no one recognized. Ackar guessed that they were apprentices." (page 68)
These guys are not mentioned again in the rest of the book, and it seems possible that Greg forgot they were there. Later scenes mentioning the Glatorian gathered together make no mention of them. It's also possible that these 'apprentices' are Agori, but the line seems to suggest they're Glatorian. My initial thought was to add "a number of trainee Glatorian who rode with Gresh to defend Vulcanus from the Bone Hunters" to the list of warriors from the tribe, but given that the rest of the book suggests that the named characters are the only Glatorian in the village, it's very shaky ground for their presence. Any thoughts?--Willess12 (talk) 22:33, 9 January 2025 (UTC)