
From BIONICLEsector01

Was Taipu Whenua's left hand when he was a McToran? -- Morris the Mata Nui Cow (talk) 21:02, 22 March 2014 (CET)

The Taipu and Hafu articles say that their Kanohi being Ruru and Pakari respectively was an "error" that was "fixed", implying that the original intent was for Taipu to wear a Pakari and Hafu to wear a Ruru. However, I would be inclined to assume that the original intent was for Hafu to wear a Pakari and Taipu to wear a Ruru, meaning that it's not an "error" that was "fixed", but rather that the reverse (Hafu wearing Ruru and Taipu wearing Pakari) is in fact the error (albeit an error that, given the sets and CGI images, has come to be accepted as canon in place of the original intent). Is there any evidence or proof as to what was actually the original intent? Did the story team or the MNOLG team first come up with the characters? -Turaga of Force

We don't really know for sure, but here's some things we do know for the six secondary Matoran:
  • MNOG seems to have based a lot of their assets on TLOMN assets.
  • Kapura seemingly wore a Pakari (a very weird one) in the second chapter of MNOG, released in February.
  • Kapura wore a Pakari, with yellow feet, in The Legend of Mata Nui, in the July build of the game.
  • Kapura wore a Ruru with red feet in the October build of The Legend of Mata Nui.
  • Kapura still wore the Pakari in the MNOA.
  • The list Peter Mack sent to LEGO for MNOG II's character approval listed Kapura with a Pakari.
  • Kapura ultimately was given a Ruru in MNOG II, despite what the list originally said.
  • Taipu was depicted without a completely different appearance, and a random mask, in Quest for the Toa.
  • Taipu was depicted in MNOG with a Ruru in July. This is the first chapter to feature a Ruru in the game, aside from the messed up one on the Tarakava.
  • Hafu was released in set form with a Ruru in May. As a result, unlike the other five, he also had a CGI render in 2001, available on the BIONICLEmusic site.
  • Hafu was depicted in MNOG with a Pakari, messed up like Kapura's, in May.
  • Tamaru was depicted with a completely different appearance in The Legend of Lewa, wearing a green Kakama.
  • Tamaru was depicted in MNOG in August.
  • Kotu has no know depictions, and Kopeke was only depicted in MNOG.
  • Kapura, Taipu, Tamaru, Kotu, and Kopeke received renders on in early 2003, with Kapura wearing the Ruru, and Taipu the Pakari.
In other words, it seems the PowerPack was not only already designed, but also released when Po-Koro was released for MNOG, thus the set probably came first.
Some theories: They probably initially did not have appearances for the six secondary characters, but settled upon them later into the year. This likely caused confusions. For instance, if Kapura wore a Pakari in the assets they were given from TLOMN, but then they changed it in TLOMN to go along with directions given from LEGO... and Templar was given these same directions from LEGO. If this list then has Kapura and Hafu wear the same mask, naturally they would just copy the same asset... until they are forced with the realization of the mistake, too late, when Taipu has the actual Pakari? So what about the Tarakava? Well, the set reference shows the Pakari, the TLOMN reference, based on the Sand Tarakava, shows the Ruru. Finally, 2003 - Templar should know by that point that Kapura has a Ruru, right? However, information is easily lost. If you go back and just base their appearances on how they'd previously depicted them, much like how they noted down background characters, they'd end up back with Pakari Kapura... the same list the CD people for 04 would be working on, landing us with an incidental Pakari Kapura, not a clever callback. But who can say for sure? ~ Wolk (talk) 00:53, 22 September 2024 (UTC)

Thanks for that writeup. Is it known if Hafu and/or Taipu were planned to appear in Legend Of Mata Nui, and if so, were there any assets designed for them? -ToF

Not to my knowledge. After writing this, I also learnt that Peter Mack at one point stated in a comment on their blog that the appearances for the Matoran were in the story bible, so erroneous cross-checking between the untextured TLOMN model, and the writing in the story bible, I guess? ~ Wolk (talk) 18:09, 22 September 2024 (UTC)

Oh, interesting. Where could I find Peter Mack's blog? -ToF

I presume they were referring to this one: (also, you can autogenarate a signature with timestamp using four ~ or the button next to the Italics button in the editor). ~ Wolk (talk) 08:26, 23 September 2024 (UTC)

Cool thanks. Gonna test signature Turaga of Force (talk) 20:05, 23 September 2024 (UTC)