User:Master Inika

From BIONICLEsector01

About Me

I'm Master Inika. I was born in 1996 and live in Florida. My favorite BIONICLE character is Kopeke, and my favorite set is Matoro in his Toa Inika form. (If you couldn't guess, Ice is my favorite element.) Master Inika (Talk) 02:55, 18 September 2016 (CET)

My BIONICLE Collection

I entered the world of BIONICLE at a Costco in 2003 at the age of seven, when I annoyed my dad into buying me Tahnok-Kal. Instantly addicted, I accumulated a respectable collection that year including four Bohrok-Kal, six Rahkshi, six Matoran, Makuta, and Takanuva. Since then, my collection has expanded into the practical BIONICLE museum I own today. Around 2007, I started using eBay to fill in the gaps of previous years.

Since BIONICLE ended, when I'm not in the corner crying and listening to "Move Along," I've been expanding my collection with BIONICLE media, collectibles, and combiner models from a combination of Bricklink and eBay. Since they brought it back, I cry in the corner shouting "It's not the same!" Since they canceled it again, I cry in the same corner shouting "It was just getting good!"


2001 - Quest for the Masks

Tohunga (fine, Matoran)

1388 Huki
1389 Onepu (x2)
1390 Maku
1391 Jala
1392 Kongu
1393 Matoro


8540 Vakama
8541 Matau
8542 Onewa
8543 Nokama
8544 Nuju
8545 Whenua


8531 Pohatu
8532 Onua
8533 Gali
8534 Tahu
8535 Lewa
8536 Kopaka


8537 Nui-Rama
8539 Manas
8549 Tarakava

Collectible Packs

8525 Masks

Combiner/Alternate Models

Akamai (8531 Pohatu, 8532 Onua, and 8534 Tahu)
Wairuha (8533 Gali, 8535 Lewa, and 8536 Kopaka)

Black Fikou (8531 Pohatu and 8532 Onua)
Mata Nui Cow (8531 Pohatu and 8533 Gali)
Dikapi (8531 Pohatu and 8542 Onewa)

Kabaya Turaga Combiner (8540 Vakama, 8541 Matau, 8543 Nokama, and 8544 Nuju)

2002 - The Bohrok Swarms

Bohrok Va

8550 Gahlok Va
8551 Kohrak Va
8552 Lehvak Va
8553 Pahrak Va
8554 Tahnok Va
8555 Nuhvok Va


8560 Pahrak
8561 Nuhvok
8562 Gahlok
8563 Tahnok
8564 Lehvak
8565 Kohrak (x2)

Toa Nuva

8566 Onua Nuva
8567 Lewa Nuva
8568 Pohatu Nuva
8570 Gali Nuva
8571 Kopaka Nuva
8572 Tahu Nuva

Large Sets

8556 Boxor

Collectible Packs

8569 Krana

Combiner/Alternate Models

Akamai Nuva (8566 Onua Nuva, 8568 Pohatu Nuva, and 8572 Tahu Nuva)
Wairuha Nuva (8567 Lewa Nuva, 8570 Gali Nuva, and 8571 Kopaka Nuva)

Hapaka (8550 Gahlok Va and 8551 Kohrak Va)
Mata Nui Fishing Bird (8551 Kohrak Va and 8555 Nuhvok Va)
Pokawi (8552 Lehvak Va and 8554 Tahnok Va)
Infernavika (8553 Pahrak Va and 8554 Tahnok Va)

Waikiru (alternate model of 8560 Pahrak; x2)
Keras (8563 Tahnok and 8564 Lehvak)

2003 - The Bohrok-Kal Strike and the Mask of Light

Mata Nui Matoran

8581 Kopeke
8582 Matoro
8583 Hahli
8584 Hewkii
8585 Hafu
8586 Macku


8573 Nuhvok-Kal
8574 Tahnok-Kal
8575 Kohrak-Kal
8576 Lehvak-Kal
8577 Pahrak-Kal
8578 Gahlok-Kal


8587 Panrahk
8588 Kurahk
8589 Lerahk
8590 Guurahk
8591 Vorahk
8592 Turahk

Large Sets

8593 Makuta
8596 Takanuva

Collectible Packs

8580 Kraata
8599 Krana-Kal

Promotional Sets

1441 Fikou

2004 - Legends of Metru Nui

Metru Nui Matoran

8607 Nuhrii
8608 Vhisola
8609 Tehutti
8610 Ahkmou
8611 Orkahm
8612 Ehrye

Toa Metru

8601 Toa Vakama
8602 Toa Nokama
8603 Toa Whenua
8604 Toa Onewa
8605 Toa Matau
8606 Toa Nuju


8614 Nuurakh
8615 Bordakh
8616 Vorzakh (x2)
8617 Zadakh
8618 Rorzakh
8619 Keerakh (x2)

Large Sets

8621 Turaga Dume & Nivawk
8622 Nidhiki
8623 Krekka
8811 Toa Lhikan & Kikanalo
10202 Ultimate Dume

Collectible Packs

8613 Kanoka Disk Launcher Pack

Promotional Sets

8026 Kraatu (unreleased)

Combiner/Alternate Models

Kinloka (8607 Nuhrii, 8610 Ahkmou, and 8611 Orkahm)
Kavinika (8608 Vhisola, 8609 Tehutti, and 8612 Ehrye)

Kranua (8614 Nuurakh, 8616 Vorzakh, and 8618 Rorzakh)
Kraahu (8615 Bordakh, 8617 Zadakh, and 8619 Keerakh)

Kralhi (8601 Toa Vakama, 8604 Toa Onewa, and 8605 Toa Matau)

2005 - Web of Shadows


4868 Gaaki
4869 Pouks
4870 Kualus
4877 Norik
4878 Bomonga (x2; both with silver Rhotuka)
4879 Iruini

Toa Hordika

8736 Toa Hordika Vakama
8737 Toa Hordika Nokama
8738 Toa Hordika Whenua
8739 Toa Hordika Onewa
8740 Toa Hordika Matau
8741 Toa Hordika Nuju


8742 Vohtarak
8743 Boggarak
8744 Oohnorak
8745 Roporak
8746 Keelerak
8747 Suukorak


8755 Keetongu
8756 Sidorak
8761 Roodaka

Special Edition Guardian Toa

8762 Toa Iruini
8763 Toa Norik

Collectible Packs

8748 Rhotuka Spinners

2006 - Island of Doom

Voya Nui Matoran

8721 Velika
8722 Kazi
8723 Piruk
8724 Garan
8725 Balta (x2)
8726 Dalu (x2)


8900 Reidak
8901 Hakann
8902 Vezok
8903 Zaktan
8904 Avak
8905 Thok

Toa Inika

8727 Toa Jaller
8728 Toa Hahli
8729 Toa Nuparu
8730 Toa Hewkii
8731 Toa Kongu
8732 Toa Matoro


8733 Axonn
8734 Brutaka
8764 Vezon & Fenrakk

Collectible Packs

8719 Zamor Spheres

Promotional Sets

6934 Good Guy
6935 Bad Guy
6936 Piraka & Catapult
6937 Give Away
7216 Gold Good Guy
7217 Duracell Bad Guy
7716 QUICK Good Guy White
7717 QUICK Bad Guy Green
7718 QUICK Bad Guy Yellow
7719 QUICK Good Guy Red

Combiner/Alternate Models

Lava Hawk (8721 Velka, 8723 Piruk, and 8725 Balta)
Dagger Spider (8722 Kazi, 8724 Garan, and 8726 Dalu)

Protodax (8901 Hakann, 8903 Zaktan, and 8904 Avak)

2007 - Sea of Darkness

Mahri Nui Matoran and Hydruka

8929 Defilak
8930 Dekar
8931 Thulox
8932 Morak


8916 Takadox
8917 Kalmah
8918 Carapar
8919 Mantax
8920 Ehlek
8921 Pridak

Toa Mahri

8910 Toa Mahri Kongu
8911 Toa Mahri Jaller
8912 Toa Mahri Hewkii
8913 Toa Mahri Nuparu
8914 Toa Mahri Hahli
8915 Toa Mahri Matoro


8922 Gadunka
8923 Hydraxon
8924 Maxilos & Spinax
8935 Nocturn
8940 Karzahni


8925 Barraki Deepsea Patrol
8926 Toa Undersea Attack
8927 Toa Terrain Crawler

Collectible Packs

8934 Squid Ammo

Promotional Sets

6944 Good Guy 07
6945 Bad Guy 07
6946 Squid Launcher Function

2008 - The Final Battle

Karda Nui Matoran

8944 Tanma
8945 Solek
8946 Photok
8947 Radiak (x2)
8948 Gavla
8949 Kirop


8685 Toa Kopaka
8686 Toa Lewa
8687 Toa Pohatu
8691 Antroz
8692 Vamprah
8693 Chirox


8688 Toa Gali
8689 Toa Tahu
8690 Toa Onua
8694 Krika
8695 Gorast
8696 Bitil


8697 Toa Ignika
8698 Vultraz
8699 Takanuva
8952 Mutran & Vican
8953 Icarax
8954 Mazeka


8941 Rockoh T3
8942 Jetrax T6 (Limited Edition New Color)
8943 Axalara T9

Promotional Sets

6126 Good Guy 2008
6127 Bad Guy 2008
6128 Function 2008 (x2)
20005 Klakk (BrickMaster)

Combiner/Alternate Models

Spiriah (8686 Toa Lewa, 8691 Antroz, 8944 Tanma, and 8947 Radiak)

2009 - The Arena


8972 Atakus
8973 Raanu
8974 Tarduk
8975 Berix
8976 Metus
8977 Zesk


8978 Skrall
8979 Malum
8980 Gresh
8981 Tarix
8982 Strakk
8983 Vorox

Glatorian Legends

8984 Stronius
8985 Ackar
8986 Vastus
8987 Kiina
8988 Gelu
8989 Mata Nui


8990 Fero & Skirmix
8991 Tuma


8992 Cendox V1
8993 Kaxium V3
8994 Baranus V7
8995 Thornatus V9
8996 Skopio XV-1

Promotional Sets

20012 Click (BrickMaster)

2010 - Journey's End


7116 Tahu
7117 Gresh
7135 Takanuva
7136 Skrall
7137 Piraka
7138 Rahkshi (x2)

2015 - Mask of Creation


70778 Protector of Jungle
70779 Protector of Stone
70780 Protector of Water
70781 Protector of Earth
70782 Protector of Ice
70783 Protector of Fire


70784 Lewa - Master of Jungle
70785 Pohatu - Master of Stone
70786 Gali - Master of Water
70787 Tahu - Master of Fire
70788 Kopaka - Master of Ice
70789 Onua - Master of Earth

Skull Creatures

70790 Lord of Skull Spiders
70791 Skull Warrior
70792 Skull Slicer
70793 Skull Basher
70794 Skull Scorpio
70795 Mask Maker vs. Skull Grinder

Promotional Sets

5002941 Hero Pack

2016 - Mask of Control


71300 Uxar Creature of Jungle
71301 Ketar Creature of Stone
71302 Akida Creature of Water
71303 Ikir Creature of Fire
71304 Terak Creature of Earth


71305 Lewa Uniter of Jungle
71306 Pohatu Uniter of Stone
71307 Gali Uniter of Water
71308 Tahu Uniter of Fire
71309 Onua Uniter of Earth


71313 Lava Beast
71314 Storm Beast
71315 Quake Beast

Special Sets

71310 Umarak the Hunter
71311 Kopaka and Melum Unity Set


Kanohi Masks

Great Masks

Red Hau
Translucent Red Kaukau
Red Kakama
Red Akaku
Red Pakari

Blue Hau
Translucent Blue Kaukau
Blue Kakama
Blue Akaku
Blue Miru
Blue Pakari

Brown Hau
Translucent Orange Kaukau
Brown Kakama
Brown Akaku
Brown Pakari

Clear Kaukau
White Kakama
White Akaku
White Pakari

Green Hau
Translucent Green Kaukau
Green Kakama
Green Akaku
Green Miru
Green Pakari

Smoky Kaukau
Black Kakama
Black Akaku
Black Miru
Black Pakari

Noble Masks

Orange Huna
Orange Rau
Orange Matatu
Orange Mahiki
Orange Ruru

Light Blue Huna
Light Blue Rau
Light Blue Komau
Light Blue Matatu
Light Blue Mahiki
Light Blue Ruru

Tan Huna
Tan Rau
Tan Komau
Tan Matatu
Tan Mahiki
Tan Ruru

Light Gray Rau
Light Gray Komau
Light Gray Matatu
Light Gray Mahiki
Light Gray Ruru

Light Green Komau
Light Green Mahiki
Light Green Ruru

Dark Gray Huna
Dark Gray Rau
Dark Gray Matatu
Dark Gray Mahiki
Dark Gray Ruru

Golden and Silver Masks

Golden Hau
Golden Kaukau
Golden Kakama
Golden Akaku
Golden Miru
Golden Pakari

Silver Hau
Silver Kaukau
Silver Kakama
Silver Akaku
Silver Miru
Silver Pakari


Translucent Yellow Kaukau
Translucent Light Blue Kaukau

Red Matatu
Blue Matatu
Brown Matatu
Green Matatu
Black Matatu

Red Ruru
Blue Ruru
Brown Ruru
White Ruru
Green Ruru
Black Ruru


Infected Hau
Special Edition Lewa Mask (Translucent Neon Green Miru)
Copper Huna (x2; both translucent and opaque versions)
Copper Komau (translucent version only)
Orange Vahi
Poisoned Hau Nuva
Gold Vahi
Mask of Power (10202 Ultimate Dume)



Blue Krana Xa
Blue Krana Vu
Blue Krana Yo
Blue Krana Su
Blue Krana Za
Blue Krana Ca
Blue Krana Ja
Blue Krana Bo

Orange Krana Xa
Orange Krana Vu
Orange Krana Yo
Orange Krana Su
Orange Krana Za
Orange Krana Ca
Orange Krana Ja
Orange Krana Bo

Green Krana Xa
Green Krana Vu
Green Krana Yo
Green Krana Su
Green Krana Za
Green Krana Ca
Green Krana Ja
Green Krana Bo

Light Blue Krana Xa
Light Blue Krana Vu
Light Blue Krana Yo
Light Blue Krana Su
Light Blue Krana Za
Light Blue Krana Ca
Light Blue Krana Ja
Light Blue Krana Bo

Red Krana Xa
Red Krana Vu
Red Krana Yo
Red Krana Su
Red Krana Za
Red Krana Ca
Red Krana Ja
Red Krana Bo

Light Green Krana Xa
Light Green Krana Vu
Light Green Krana Yo
Light Green Krana Su
Light Green Krana Za
Light Green Krana Ca
Light Green Krana Ja
Light Green Krana Bo


Yellow Krana Xa
Yellow Krana Vu
Yellow Krana Yo
Yellow Krana Su
Yellow Krana Za
Yellow Krana Ca
Yellow Krana Ja
Yellow Krana Bo

Purple Krana Xa
Purple Krana Vu
Purple Krana Yo
Purple Krana Su
Purple Krana Za
Purple Krana Ca
Purple Krana Ja
Purple Krana Bo

Tan Krana Xa
Tan Krana Vu
Tan Krana Yo
Tan Krana Su
Tan Krana Za
Tan Krana Ca
Tan Krana Ja
Tan Krana Bo

White Krana Xa
White Krana Vu
White Krana Yo
White Krana Su
White Krana Za
White Krana Ca
White Krana Ja
White Krana Bo

Dark Gray Krana Xa
Dark Gray Krana Vu
Dark Gray Krana Yo
Dark Gray Krana Su
Dark Gray Krana Za
Dark Gray Krana Ca
Dark Gray Krana Ja
Dark Gray Krana Bo

Black Krana Xa
Black Krana Vu
Black Krana Yo
Black Krana Su
Black Krana Za
Black Krana Ca
Black Krana Ja
Black Krana Bo

Kanohi Nuva

Red Hau Nuva
Red Kaukau Nuva
Red Kakama Nuva
Red Akaku Nuva
Red Miru Nuva
Red Pakari Nuva

Blue Hau Nuva
Blue Kaukau Nuva
Blue Kakama Nuva
Blue Akaku Nuva
Blue Miru Nuva
Blue Pakari Nuva

Brown Hau Nuva
Brown Kaukau Nuva
Brown Kakama Nuva
Brown Akaku Nuva
Brown Miru Nuva
Brown Pakari Nuva

White Kakama Nuva
White Akaku Nuva
White Miru Nuva
White Pakari Nuva

Green Kaukau Nuva
Green Kakama Nuva
Green Akaku Nuva
Green Miru Nuva
Green Pakari Nuva

Black Kakama Nuva
Black Akaku Nuva
Black Miru Nuva
Black Pakari Nuva

Protodermic Kanohi Nuva

Protodermic Miru Nuva
Protodermic Pakari Nuva


Bronze Krana Xa-Kal
Bronze Krana Vu-Kal
Bronze Krana Yo-Kal
Bronze Krana Su-Kal
Bronze Krana Za-Kal
Bronze Krana Ca-Kal
Bronze Krana Ja-Kal
Bronze Krana Bo-Kal

Metallic Blue Krana Xa-Kal
Metallic Blue Krana Vu-Kal
Metallic Blue Krana Yo-Kal
Metallic Blue Krana Su-Kal
Metallic Blue Krana Za-Kal
Metallic Blue Krana Ca-Kal
Metallic Blue Krana Ja-Kal
Metallic Blue Krana Bo-Kal

Gunmetal Gray Krana Xa-Kal
Gunmetal Gray Krana Vu-Kal
Gunmetal Gray Krana Yo-Kal
Gunmetal Gray Krana Su-Kal
Gunmetal Gray Krana Za-Kal
Gunmetal Gray Krana Ca-Kal
Gunmetal Gray Krana Ja-Kal
Gunmetal Gray Krana Bo-Kal

Silver Krana Xa-Kal
Silver Krana Vu-Kal
Silver Krana Yo-Kal
Silver Krana Su-Kal
Silver Krana Za-Kal
Silver Krana Ca-Kal
Silver Krana Ja-Kal
Silver Krana Bo-Kal

Metallic Green Krana Xa-Kal
Metallic Green Krana Vu-Kal
Metallic Green Krana Yo-Kal
Metallic Green Krana Su-Kal
Metallic Green Krana Za-Kal
Metallic Green Krana Ca-Kal
Metallic Green Krana Ja-Kal
Metallic Green Krana Bo-Kal

Gold Krana Xa-Kal
Gold Krana Vu-Kal
Gold Krana Yo-Kal
Gold Krana Su-Kal
Gold Krana Za-Kal
Gold Krana Ca-Kal
Gold Krana Ja-Kal
Gold Krana Bo-Kal


From Sets

Stage 1 Kraata-Za
Stage 2 Kraata-Za
Stage 4 Kraata-Za
Stage 6 Kraata-Za

Stage 1 Kraata-Ul
Stage 5 Kraata-Ul (x2)
Stage 6 Kraata-Ul

Stage 2 Kraata-Xi
Stage 3 Kraata-Xi
Stage 4 Kraata-Xi
Stage 5 Kraata-Xi
Stage 6 Kraata-Xi

Stage 1 Kraata-Cu
Stage 2 Kraata-Cu
Stage 3 Kraata-Cu
Stage 4 Kraata-Cu
Stage 6 Kraata-Cu

Stage 1 Kraata-Ye
Stage 2 Kraata-Ye
Stage 3 Kraata-Ye
Stage 4 Kraata-Ye
Stage 5 Kraata-Ye
Stage 6 Kraata-Ye

Stage 2 Kraata-Vo
Stage 4 Kraata-Vo

From Packs

Stage 1 Kraata of Ice Resistance
Stage 1 Kraata of Insect Control
Stage 1 Kraata of Quick Healing
Stage 1 Kraata of Sleep

Stage 2 Kraata of Chameleon (x2)
Stage 2 Kraata of Plant Control
Stage 2 Kraata of Quick Healing

Stage 3 Kraata of Slow
Stage 3 Kraata of Stasis Field

Stage 4 Kraata of Chain Lightning
Stage 4 Kraata of Confusion
Stage 4 Kraata of Gravity
Stage 4 Kraata of Plasma
Stage 4 Kraata of Quick Healing
Stage 4 Kraata of Vacuum

Stage 6 Kraata of Electricity

Shadow Kraata

Stage 1 Shadow Kraata
Stage 2 Shadow Kraata
Stage 3 Shadow Kraata
Stage 4 Shadow Kraata
Stage 5 Shadow Kraata
Stage 6 Shadow Kraata

Kanoka Disks

From Sets

143 (Nuhrii)
226 (Vhisola)
373 (Ahkmou)
437 (Ehrye)
574 (Orkahm)
685 (Tehutti)

116 (Nuurakh)
225 (Bordakh)
334 (Zadakh)
447 (Keerakh)
555 (Vorzakh)
665 (Rorzakh)

338 (x2; Krekka and Kraatu)
638 (Nidhiki)

From Packs

159 (Great Disk of Ta-Metru)
199 (Disk of Time)

279 (Great Disk of Ga-Metru)

339 (Great Disk of Po-Metru)

429 (Great Disk of Ko-Metru)

589 (Great Disk of Le-Metru; x2)

619 (Great Disk of Onu-Metru)

Disk Launchers

Dark Red Disk Launcher
Dark Blue Disk Launcher
Light Brown Disk Launcher
White Disk Launcher
Dark Green Disk Launcher
Black Disk Launcher

Rhotuka Spinners

Silver-Dark Red Rhotuka
Silver-Dark Blue Rhotuka
Silver-Light Brown Rhotuka
Silver-White Rhotuka
Silver-Dark Green Rhotuka
Silver-Black Rhotuka

Silver-Orange Rhotuka
Silver-Light Blue Rhotuka
Silver-Red Rhotuka
Silver-Blue Rhotuka
Silver-Light Green Rhotuka
Silver-Yellow Rhotuka



BIONICLE: Mask of Light (2003)
BIONICLE 2: Legends of Metru Nui (2004)
BIONICLE 3: Web of Shadows (2005)

BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn (2009)


BIONICLE Chronicles #1: Tale of the Toa
BIONICLE Chronicles #2: Beware the Bohrok
BIONICLE Chronicles #3: Makuta's Revenge
BIONICLE Chronicles #4: Tales of the Masks
BIONICLE: Mask of Light

BIONICLE Adventures #1: Mystery of Metru Nui
BIONICLE Adventures #2: Trial by Fire
BIONICLE Adventures #3: The Darkness Below
BIONICLE Adventures #4: Legends of Metru Nui
BIONICLE Adventures #5: Voyage of Fear
BIONICLE Adventures #6: Maze of Shadows
BIONICLE Adventures #7: Web of the Visorak
BIONICLE Adventures #8: Challenge of the Hordika
BIONICLE Adventures #9: Web of Shadows
BIONICLE Adventures #10: Time Trap

BIONICLE Legends #1: Island of Doom
BIONICLE Legends #2: Dark Destiny
BIONICLE Legends #3: Power Play
BIONICLE Legends #4: Legacy of Evil
BIONICLE Legends #5: Inferno
BIONICLE Legends #6: City of the Lost (x2)
BIONICLE Legends #7: Prisoners of the Pit
BIONICLE Legends #8: Downfall
BIONICLE Legends #9: Shadows in the Sky
BIONICLE Legends #10: Swamp of Secrets
BIONICLE Legends #11: The Final Battle

BIONICLE: Raid on Vulcanus
BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn (Softcover)
BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn (Hardcover with Exclusive Sneak Peek DVD)

LEGO BIONICLE: Island of Lost Masks
LEGO BIONICLE: Revenge of the Skull Spiders
LEGO BIONICLE: Escape from the Underworld

Hardcover Collections

BIONICLE Chronicles Collection (2005)
BIONICLE Adventures: Volume 1 (2006)


Comic 1: The Coming of the Toa (Standard Cover)
Comic 1: The Coming of the Toa (Variant Cover)
Comic 2: Deep into Darkness
Comic 3: Triumph of the Toa
Comic 4: The Bohrok Awake
Comic 5: To Trap a Tahnok
Comic 6: Into the Nest
Comic 7: What Lurks Below
Comic 8: The End of the Toa?
Comic 9: Divided We Fall
Comic 10: Powerless!
Comic 11: A Matter of Time...
Comic 12: Absolute Power
Comic 13: Rise of the Rahkshi!
Comic 14: At Last -- Takanuva!
Comic 15: Secrets and Shadows
Comic 16: Toa Metru!
Comic 17: Disks of Danger
Comic 18: Seeds of Doom
Comic 19: Enemies of Metru Nui
Comic 20: Struggle in the Sky
Comic 21: Dreams of Darkness
Comic 22: Monsters in the Dark
Comic 23: Vengeance of the Visorak
Comic 24: Shadow Play (Standard Cover)
Comic 25: Birth of the Rahaga (Standard Cover)
Comic 26: Hanging by a Thread (Standard Cover)
Comic 27: Fractures (Standard Cover)

Comic 0
Comic 1: If a Universe Ends...
Comic 2: Vengeance of Axonn
Comic 3: Showdown (Standard Cover)
Comic 4: A Cold Light Dawns
Comic 5: In Final Battle
Comic 7: Mask of Life, Mask of Doom
Comic 8: Sea of Darkness
Comic 9: Battle in the Deep!
Comic 10: The Death of Mata Nui!
Comic 11: Death of a Hero
Comic 12: Realm of Fear
Comic 13: Swamp of Shadows
Comic 14: Endgame
Comic 15: Mata Nui Rising!

Comic 1: Sands of Bara Magna
Comic 2: The Fall of Atero
Comic 3: A Hero Reborn (Standard Cover)
Comic 3: A Hero Reborn (Variant Cover)
Comic 4: Before the Storm
Comic 5: Valley of Fear
Comic 6: All that Glitters...
Comic 7: Rebirth

Promotional Comics

Bohrok Promo Comic
Toa Nuva Promo Comic
Bohrok-Kal Promo Comic
Rahkshi Promo Comic
BIONICLE: The Beginning


The Official Guide to BIONICLE (2003)
BIONICLE: Metru Nui - City of Legends (2004)
BIONICLE: Rahi Beasts (2005)
BIONICLE: Dark Hunters (2006)
BIONICLE: World (2007)
BIONICLE: Makuta's Guide to the Universe (2008)
BIONICLE: Mata Nui's Guide to Bara Magna (2009)


BIONICLE: Encyclopedia (2005)
BIONICLE: Encyclopedia Updated! (2007)

Young Readers

BIONICLE: Journey of Takanuva
BIONICLE: The Secret of Certavus
BIONICLE: Desert of Danger
BIONICLE: Challenge of Mata Nui

Graphic Novels

BIONICLE 1: Rise of the Toa Nuva
BIONICLE 2: Challenge of the Rahkshi
BIONICLE 3: City of Legends
BIONICLE 4: Trial by Fire
BIONICLE 5: The Battle of Voya Nui
BIONICLE 6: The Underwater City
BIONICLE 7: Realm of Fear
BIONICLE 8: Legends of Bara Magna
BIONICLE 9: The Fall of Atero

LEGO BIONICLE: Gathering of the Toa
LEGO BIONICLE: Battle of the Mask Makers


Toa Mata Mini Promo CD

Tahnok-Kal's Mini Promo CD
Gahlok-Kal's Mini Promo CD
Pahrak-Kal's Mini Promo CD
Kohrak-Kal's Mini Promo CD
Lehvak-Kal's Mini Promo CD

Panrahk's Mini Promo CD
Lerahk's Mini Promo CD
Vorahk's Mini Promo CD


Toys"R"Us Kanohi Carrier
Chronicler's Staff
175 Kanoka
Toa Hordika Whenua Hat
Aqua Blaster Blade (KanohiJournal Contest 1 winner, designed by Terakk)
All-Black Prototype Skrall Shield

My Throwbots Collection


8500 Torch
8501 Ski
8502 Turbo
8503 Scuba
8504 Jet
8505 Amazon
8506 Granite
8507 Electro

Disc Packs

1061 Single Disc Pack
8508 Supplementary Discs


Torch Disc, Two Pips
Torch Disc, Three Pips
Torch Disc, Four Pips
Torch Disc, Five Pips
Torch Disc, Six Pips

Ski Disc, Two Pips
Ski Disc, Three Pips
Ski Disc, Five Pips
Ski Disc, Six Pips

Turbo Disc, Two Pips
Turbo Disc, Three Pips
Turbo Disc, Five Pips
Turbo Disc, Six Pips

Scuba Disc, Two Pips
Scuba Disc, Three Pips
Scuba Disc, Five Pips
Scuba Disc, Six Pips
Scuba Disc, Seven Pips

Jet Disc, Two Pips
Jet Disc, Three Pips
Jet Disc, Four Pips
Jet Disc, Five Pips
Jet Disc, Six Pips
Jet Disc, Eight Pips

Amazon Disc, Two Pips
Amazon Disc, Three Pips
Amazon Disc, Four Pips
Amazon Disc, Five Pips
Amazon Disc, Six Pips

Granite Disc, Two Pips
Granite Disc, Three Pips
Granite Disc, Four Pips
Granite Disc, Five Pips
Granite Disc, Six Pips

Electro Disc, Two Pips
Electro Disc, Three Pips
Electro Disc, Four Pips
Electro Disc, Five Pips
Electro Disc, Six Pips

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