
From BIONICLEsector01

Hi, I'm Haku340

I am a premier member of BZpower, I enjoy sports such as cricket, golf, and tennis, I enjoy classical & rock music, I play guitar, piano, and hope to get to the harmonica soon.

I spend 1/4 percent of my time on BZP, and the other quarters on lego, homework, music and school.

I for some reason have grown a liking for that strange waving matoran on the bottom of BS01 pages:

External Image

External Image
User Status Well and healthy
BZPower Username ~Haku340~
BZPower Status Premier Member
Location On this rather comfortable chair
Gender Male
Favorite Set Axalara T9

BZP History

I joined in early February 2008 after many years of just being a guest, and didn't discover the ACTUAL purpose of the forum until late June, then I spent ages on and sometime around the end of August became a Premier member. I spent ages on BZP after that until i got time limits put on my computer user. I am currently spending lots more time on other sites, but still most of it on BZP.

This user has been a fan of BIONICLE since 2001.
This user contributes using Safari.
This user is a member of BZPower

Character Stats:


--Haku340 My Talk! My Page! 08:29, 17 February 2009 (UTC)