Category:Files by Stuart Sayger
From BIONICLEsector01
This category contains files by Stuart Sayger.
Media in category "Files by Stuart Sayger"
The following 189 files are in this category, out of 189 total.
AntiContain.png 486 × 601; 584 KB
AOSR Agori Kyry.png 1,152 × 935; 1.48 MB
AOSR Agori Raanu and Kyry with Energized Protodermis Vial.png 600 × 316; 377 KB
AOSR Agori Raanu Sunset.png 1,572 × 1,352; 1.8 MB
AOSR Aqua Magna.png 1,593 × 801; 1.44 MB
AOSR Baterra.png 2,037 × 1,131; 2.07 MB
AOSR Bota Magna.png 2,037 × 1,021; 2.27 MB
AOSR Core War Malum vs Strakk.png 600 × 552; 779 KB
AOSR Element Lord of Fire.png 491 × 206; 165 KB
AOSR Element Lord of Ice.png 1,640 × 1,183; 2.65 MB
AOSR Element Lord of Jungle.png 428 × 475; 325 KB
AOSR Element Lord of Rock.png 690 × 710; 681 KB
AOSR Element Lord of Sand.png 499 × 904; 640 KB
AOSR Element Lord of Water.png 349 × 605; 344 KB
AOSR Element Lords Conference.png 2,037 × 1,710; 3.86 MB
AOSR Element Lords.png 823 × 1,223; 1.4 MB
AOSR Energized Protodermis Discovery.png 822 × 811; 795 KB
AOSR Energized Protodermis Testing.png 600 × 557; 563 KB
AOSR fire tribe victory.png 2,037 × 982; 2.39 MB
AOSR Gelu in Vines.png 2,037 × 1,122; 2.65 MB
AOSR Glatorian Ackar and Agori Raanu.png 494 × 271; 207 KB
AOSR Ice Tribe Warriors.png 481 × 257; 245 KB
AOSR Mata Nui Robot Construction.jpg 2,037 × 2,616; 1.18 MB
AOSR Mata Nui Robot Departing Spherus Magna.jpg 2,037 × 2,700; 2.15 MB
AOSR Matoran Building Mata Nui Robot.png 897 × 1,317; 1.14 MB
AOSR Skrall Marching.png 598 × 303; 392 KB
AOSR Spherus Magna Creature.png 830 × 562; 577 KB
AOSR Tarduk and Vastus.png 629 × 468; 518 KB
Axonn Hau Scribe.png 470 × 187; 152 KB
Axonn shatters vat.PNG 498 × 162; 121 KB
Barraki Comic.png 487 × 692; 627 KB
Barraki Kalmah Versus Barraki Takadox.png 500 × 141; 131 KB
Battle for Ignika.png 478 × 244; 300 KB
BI11 - Giant Squid.JPG 277 × 293; 18 KB
BrutakavsAxonn.png 498 × 192; 242 KB
Calix Dodging.png 480 × 243; 281 KB
Cave of Records.PNG 494 × 260; 238 KB
Comic 10 Jaller Mahri.PNG 363 × 763; 552 KB
Comic Avak.PNG 208 × 294; 167 KB
Comic Barraki Armies Oncoming.png 480 × 374; 442 KB
Comic Barraki Ehlek Lightning.PNG 453 × 148; 182 KB
Comic Barraki vs Toa Mahri.jpg 726 × 958; 681 KB
Comic Barraki.png 787 × 570; 1.01 MB
Comic Battle Against Umbra.png 590 × 312; 407 KB
Comic Battle in the Piraka Stronghold.png 554 × 467; 563 KB
Comic Brutaka and Axonn with Antidermis Vat.png 498 × 166; 210 KB
Comic Carapar.PNG 392 × 326; 171 KB
Comic Dekar with Kanohi Ignika.png 300 × 241; 128 KB
Comic Ehlek and Carapar.png 415 × 117; 106 KB
Comic Ehlek and Venom Eels.png 160 × 223; 89 KB
Comic Ehlek.PNG 295 × 375; 130 KB
Comic Energized Flame Sword In Use.png 834 × 254; 474 KB
Comic Energized Ice Sword In Use.png 234 × 198; 108 KB
Comic Hakann.PNG 517 × 771; 993 KB
Comic Hewkii Inika Fires Zamor Sphere.png 428 × 171; 169 KB
Comic Hewkii Inika Using Stone Powers.png 258 × 305; 175 KB
Comic Hydraxon and Spinax Discover Destroyed Maxilos.png 480 × 150; 186 KB
Comic Hydraxon Fires at Kanohi Ignika.png 480 × 266; 334 KB
Comic Ignika Forging.png 162 × 129; 53 KB
Comic Ignika Life Burst.png 480 × 686; 800 KB
Comic Ignika.png 226 × 236; 98 KB
Comic Kalmah.jpg 1,069 × 1,500; 259 KB
Comic Kanohi Ignika Travels to Mahri Nui.png 514 × 471; 547 KB
Comic Kazi.png 279 × 118; 82 KB
Comic Lake of Lava Draining.png 672 × 497; 651 KB
Comic Laser Lance.PNG 500 × 210; 244 KB
Comic Lava Launcher.png 214 × 414; 221 KB
Comic Mantax Searching for Tablet of Transit.png 278 × 148; 97 KB
Comic Mantax with Ignika.png 310 × 175; 137 KB
Comic Mantax.PNG 370 × 228; 113 KB
Comic Matoran Balta.PNG 256 × 281; 85 KB
Comic Matoro Gets Ignika.png 300 × 267; 190 KB
Comic Matoro Mahri Freezes Maxilos.png 225 × 330; 182 KB
Comic Matoro's Sacrifice.png 480 × 686; 860 KB
Comic Piraka Thok and Reidak vs Axonn.jpg 729 × 956; 737 KB
Comic Power Sword In Use.png 480 × 199; 240 KB
Comic Pridak Interrogates Defilak.png 229 × 214; 104 KB
Comic Reidak.PNG 481 × 388; 384 KB
Comic Sea Behemoth.png 705 × 501; 872 KB
Comic Spear of Fusion In Use.png 236 × 243; 125 KB
Comic Squid Launchers In Use.png 476 × 267; 282 KB
Comic squid.png 280 × 361; 213 KB
Comic Thok and Reidak Discover Vezon's Canister.png 525 × 273; 306 KB
Comic Thok.jpg 637 × 834; 509 KB
Comic Thok.PNG 393 × 386; 391 KB
Comic Toa Halhi Inika.PNG 548 × 235; 178 KB
Comic Toa Hewkii Inika.PNG 340 × 236; 112 KB
Comic Toa Inika Jaller With Dead Mahri Nui Mataran.PNG 471 × 184; 163 KB
Comic Toa Inika Jaller.jpg 732 × 961; 689 KB
Comic Toa Jaller Inika.PNG 355 × 438; 265 KB
Comic Toa Kongu Inika.PNG 539 × 243; 326 KB
Comic Toa Mahri Hewkii.PNG 451 × 506; 626 KB
Comic Toa Mahri Leading Matoran to Safety.png 480 × 686; 604 KB
Comic Toa Nuparu Inika.PNG 260 × 516; 179 KB
Comic Twin Cutters In Use.png 421 × 124; 142 KB
Comic Umbra using Light Powers.png 548 × 243; 329 KB
Comic Unknown Kanohi.png 112 × 104; 33 KB
Comic Vezok.PNG 285 × 248; 176 KB
Comic Vezon and Fenrakk.png 547 × 589; 753 KB
Comic Vezon and Kardas Frozen.png 498 × 476; 593 KB
Comic Vezon Cursed by Ignika.png 548 × 243; 321 KB
Comic Vezon.png 365 × 381; 338 KB
Comic Voya Nui Resealing.png 478 × 308; 363 KB
Comic Zaktan Protodites.png 486 × 295; 353 KB
Comic Zaktan Using Laser Vision.png 274 × 337; 149 KB
Comic Zaktan.PNG 485 × 239; 213 KB
Comic11cover matoro.PNG 506 × 654; 677 KB
Comic3bleh.png 422 × 604; 640 KB
Comic9 kongu.PNG 677 × 589; 986 KB
Cursed Squddies.png 146 × 223; 88 KB
Dalu comic1.PNG 178 × 178; 64 KB
DefilakBriefing.png 477 × 217; 248 KB
Dekarcomic.png 187 × 232; 116 KB
Destruct O Cord.png 161 × 386; 165 KB
Garan2.PNG 180 × 103; 30 KB
Hahli inika comic4.PNG 232 × 240; 140 KB
Hahli Removing Mask.png 543 × 444; 168 KB
HahliAndHydraxonBattle.png 425 × 178; 138 KB
Hahlimahricomic.PNG 399 × 659; 694 KB
Hewkii Electrified Chain.PNG 273 × 231; 162 KB
Hydraxon Comic.png 441 × 219; 241 KB
Hydraxon Nocturn Battle.png 533 × 480; 704 KB
Ice Blast.png 269 × 548; 354 KB
Ignika SOS.png 479 × 169; 205 KB
Ignika Use.png 477 × 171; 208 KB
Ignika's Tale.png 192 × 175; 86 KB
IgnikaVezonFusage.png 492 × 264; 191 KB
Ignition 0 Hakann Poster.png 517 × 1,343; 1.24 MB
Ignition0.png 458 × 713; 862 KB
Ignition1-IfaUniverseEnds....png 398 × 613; 640 KB
Ignition10-TheDeathofMataNui.png 466 × 660; 680 KB
Ignition11-DeathofaHero.png 464 × 658; 525 KB
Ignition2-VengeanceofAxonn.png 423 × 601; 651 KB
Ignition4-AColdLightDawns.png 468 × 665; 568 KB
Ignition5-InFinalBattle.png 427 × 604; 633 KB
Ignition6.png 494 × 586; 797 KB
Ignition7.PNG 467 × 659; 729 KB
Ignition8-SeaofDarkness.png 461 × 662; 669 KB
Ignition9-BattleintheDeep.png 462 × 658; 740 KB
Inikaagainstkardas.PNG 498 × 188; 205 KB
Inner Pit.png 547 × 241; 294 KB
Kadin Flying.png 451 × 243; 279 KB
KalmahAndDekar.png 444 × 180; 162 KB
Kardas Comic.PNG 498 × 652; 777 KB
Kongu Air.png 259 × 240; 157 KB
Le-Matoran Ta-Matoran Rebuilt.PNG 239 × 167; 87 KB
Mainland.PNG 425 × 107; 108 KB
Mask of Emulation in front.PNG 186 × 100; 49 KB
Mata Nui Die.png 472 × 241; 224 KB
Matoran Mask of Adaptation.png 61 × 45; 7 KB
Matoran Mask of Biomechanics.png 150 × 246; 96 KB
Matoran Mask of Conjuring.png 160 × 136; 46 KB
Matoran Mask of Emulation.png 81 × 128; 26 KB
Matoran Mask of Fusion.png 333 × 367; 184 KB
Matoran Mask of Incomprehension.png 58 × 53; 8 KB
Matoran Mask of Rebounding.PNG 414 × 415; 254 KB
Matoran Mask of Sensory Aptitude.PNG 74 × 86; 17 KB
Mountain Hideaway.PNG 486 × 214; 185 KB
Mutated creature.PNG 1,502 × 1,676; 3 MB
Piraka Fusion.png 454 × 454; 409 KB
Piraka.png 615 × 480; 795 KB
Prep Nova.png 480 × 294; 364 KB
ReidakDefeatThok.png 419 × 277; 237 KB
Southern Continent Matoran Kanohi.png 111 × 88; 28 KB
Takadox Comic.png 288 × 275; 101 KB
The Cord.png 466 × 172; 184 KB
The Pit.png 494 × 132; 134 KB
ThokHakannEyebeams.png 539 × 164; 232 KB
ThokHakannPowerZap.png 268 × 222; 158 KB
Toa Inika being transformed by Kanohi Ignika into Toa Mahri.png 466 × 115; 130 KB
UnderwaterRays.PNG 488 × 250; 317 KB
Unknown Matoran Kanohi5.PNG 90 × 76; 19 KB
Unknown Matoran Kanohi6.PNG 76 × 67; 13 KB
Venom Eels.png 544 × 242; 310 KB
VenomEel.png 234 × 356; 185 KB
VezokDestroyCave.png 476 × 213; 232 KB
Vezon Creation.png 548 × 243; 352 KB
VezonFenrakkLavaSwim.png 490 × 167; 200 KB
Voya Nui Matoran Kanohi4.PNG 112 × 220; 48 KB
VoyaNui Ko-Matoran.PNG 152 × 257; 88 KB
VoyaNuiRT.png 477 × 190; 151 KB
WaterHarpooninAction.png 418 × 296; 291 KB
Weird Matoran 1.png 264 × 185; 120 KB
Weird Matoran 2.png 195 × 134; 71 KB
Weird Matoran 3.png 263 × 140; 78 KB
Weird Matoran.png 478 × 157; 184 KB
ZaktannGrin.png 382 × 507; 473 KB
Zaktanwithhau.png 120 × 234; 69 KB
Zatth in use.PNG 478 × 223; 280 KB