User:Toa of Know-Nothingness

From BIONICLEsector01

First time doing something like this, so bear with me if there is some form of eticate I am clearly lacking.

I am 19 and in college, been a fan since I was 6.

My first bionicle ever was the Tomunga toys from McDonald's back when the series first released. Me and my brother spent countless time building and playing with these fantastic products('toys' does not do this series justice. They were the face of my Childhood) Our collection is mainly of the Mata Nui years, with our collection only missing Jaller/the Gukko Bird and I believe Turaga Onewa. Our 2004 collection is diminished in the fact we are missing five out of six Vahki. 2005 was when we started taking things down a notch; we missed a couple of the visorak, four Hordika, Keetongu, Roodaka and Sidorak.

2006 we missed Zaktan, Vezok/Fenrak, Brutaka, and the six Matoran.

2007 was the last year we purchased them, ending with us only having 3 out of 6 Toa Mahri and 5 out of 6 Barakki. Everything else we missed.

  • Actually wait Karzhani was the last one we purchased.*

My username, if you are a Bionicle fan, comes from the very first Bionicle book "Tales of the Toa". Lewa could not remember anything about himself, and remarked how he was a "Toa of Know-Nothingness!" For some reason, that part always made me laugh, and still make me smirk for some reason.