User:Master of Lighting

From BIONICLEsector01
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My Awards | My Talk | My Sandbox

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"Here is an award for you, I made it myself from one friend to another"
Tomo2000 My talk

Master of Lighting
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BS01 Status Active
Usual Online Time Always
BZP Name Master of Lighting
Gender You Don't Need To KNOW
Nationality Lightning tribe
Character(s) Mata Nui
Set(s) Skopio
Color(s) Orange
Food(s) Thornax
Awards Five:

Random act of Kindness,Friend award,Voter award,Praise award and Twilight Award

Awards I have made Three:

Helper award,Worker award and the Exclusive Award

As my name sugests I am the Master of Lighting,so I love the element lightning I also like the elements of Fire and Light. I have collected Bionicles for years now and have always known they are BRILLIANT.From all my years of collecting my favourite Bionicles are: Tahu,Mata Nui, Lewa and Skopio.I think the best toa team EVER are the Toa Nuva of 2003(Tahu and Lewa are the best in that team).Every great bionicle fan has waited for Mata Nui to be reborn and now he has, many people don't like him,they all want something gold(but that's already been done on Takanuva)with cool weapons but I think Mata Nui is great how he is, his colour scheme(black and yellow) is cool and a shield is good for a change.There is one bionicle I think could be better and that is Toa Jaller Inika, well I prefer the prototype than the real because the prototype is really cool(like the weapon and the JET PACK) you can find a link to Jaller Prototype later on.There is one more thing I need to say(EVERY ONE WILL AGREE) AND THAT IS bionicles are the BEST.NOW THATS ENOUGH FROM ME GO EXPLORE MY PAGE!


You may like Jaller how he is and don't want to change your mind on the super cool prototype,so I'm warning you not to press this link if you like Jaller. If you want to see this Prototype or you have never seen it press this link NOW User:Master of Lighting/Sandbox

Past Sigs

People may have seen my sigs in the past on pages but if you havn't heres your chance!

User talk:Shadow Kurahk/Slideshow

Cool stuff,from my old UP

external image Lightning Pohatu external image the super ice guy external image The fire toa external image The air toa using air powers to spinexternal image The matoran of air named toman external imageFire and water toa external imageThe toa of stone


external image external image Run Tahu your being chased by a rakshi external image external image Tahu fights back with fire and knocks the hatch open which holds the Kraata external image And then the Kraata fell out an span around on the floor THE END

external imageThis cool toa practises his moves external imageThis cool matoran practises her disk shooting.

A great mask
A matoran of lightning
Berix the coolest agori
The Matoran Alphabet
Lewa(Tomo2000) telling Tahu(Master of Lighting) that he gets a friend award.(Master of Lighting was fire before he was lighting element.

Vakama vs Iruni

external image external image They both charge at eachother.external image IRUNI WINS THEN VAKAMA GETS BACK UP REALLY ANGRY AND ATTACKS THE FIRST TOA HE SEES external imagebut he looses! AGAIN!external image He is so angry he blasts fire randomlyexternal imageLuckily it hits a Bohrok and makes it spin!


external image Toman is stuck in the middle of two evil matoran throwing a disk at him. He keeps dodging but it won't hold for longexternal imageHe jumps up and then he remembers he has his fire blaster with him external imageWhen he lands a evil matoran shoots him but his air powers push it away,then Toman shoots back and knocks him out then external image Does flips because he is happy with his victory MORE ADVENTURES SOON

MY USSALRY with giant ussals and matoran helper

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This user likes Tahu.
This user likes Lewa.
This user likes all the Toa Nuva
This user likes the element of Lightning.
This user thinks Skopio is cool.
This user thinks Berix is the best Agori.
This user likes Mata Nui.
external image This user likes Lewa's cool moves.
external image This user likes Lewa's cool kicks.
This user likes Jaller.
SORANO GUARDIAS This user is fourth seat in Sorano's Guardias.
This user uses Tomo2000's comic service.