
From BIONICLEsector01

"Awesome! What you don't think so?" -Kongu1337 to sibling

User Status Learning new Bionicle stuff
BZPower Username Don't have one :-)
BZPower Status N/A
Location Earth
Gender Male
Favorite Set Can't Decide

Kongu1337 likes the Le-Toa. With their quick-fast thinking and their air abilities they are awesome.

"Hmmm... Do I push this...?"-Kongu1337

Sets currently owned:

-8731 Toa Inika Kongu

-8614 Vahki Nuurakh

-8722 Matoran Kazi

-8918 Carapar

-8910-8915 All six Toa Mahri

-8945 Solek

-8946 Photok

-8687 Toa Pohatu (Phantoka)

-8692 Vamprah (Sibling's, considered mine)

-8694 Krika

-8941 Rockoh T3

-8982 Strakk (Sibling's, considered mine)

-7116 Tahu (Stars)