
From BIONICLEsector01

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User Status {{{user_status}}}
BZPower Username {{{bzpower_name}}}
BZPower Status {{{bzpower_status_optional}}}
Location Iowa
Gender Male
Favorite Set {{{favorite_set}}}

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Hey there everyone! I have been a huge Bioicle fan since I got my first bionicle toy, Lewa. I've decided very recently to start stepping up to the plate to give back my Bionicle knowledge. My real first name means light, hence the Toa Takanuva picture. My username was the codename of what I thought would be an awesome Dark Hunter. I could try and build something of bionicle pieces to be a Dark Hunter, but I probably won't try. I'm also an Adobe Photoshop Elements photo master. The Takanuva image is something I threw together but is nothing compared to what I'm planning next time...


I'm just gonna say Swert has got the best idea ever about just saying what you have. So, without anymore carving, I am just going to quick-say what I have:

  • Turaga Vakama
  • Turaga Nokama
  • Macku
  • Kohrok
  • Tahnok
  • Lehvak
  • Nuhvok
  • Pahrak
  • Tahu
  • Gali
  • Onua
  • Lewa
  • All of the Toa Nuva
The powerful, Toa Nuva
  • Gahlok-Kal
  • Lehvak-Kal
  • All of the Rahkshi
  • Takanuva & Ussanui
  • Toa Vakama
  • Toa Nokama
  • Toa Nuju
  • Umbra
  • Krekka
  • Nuhrii
  • Piruk
  • Velika
  • Pridak
  • Ehlek
  • Takadox
  • Jala (Later renamed "Jaller") McDonalds Promotion
  • Toa Inika Kongu
  • Toa Mahri Nuparu
  • Toa Mahri Matoro
  • Toa Mahri Hewkii
  • Toa Inika Jaller
  • Toa Inika Matoro
  • Toa Inika Nuparu
  • Toa Iruini
  • Phantoka Lewa Nuva
  • Tanma
  • Muaka & Kane-Ra
  • Toa Hordika Nuju
  • Toa Hordika Nokama
  • All of the Visorak
  • Toa Ignika

Kanohi I have collected

" A Great Kanohi mask."
— Tahu Nuva, Bionicle: Mask of Light

It can be said now. I am a crazy Bioncle Kanohi mask collecting machine!!!! As hobbies go from being harmless to being more and more of a habbit, I had to have more Kanohi masks! (Note: it is way past harmless now however).

Noble Kanohi

  • Huna, mask of Concealment
  • Rau, mask of Translation
  • Ruru, mask of Night Vision
  • Mahiki, mask of Illusion

Great Kanohi

  • Hau, mask of Shielding
  • Kaukau, mask of Water Breathing
  • Miru, mask of Levitation
  • Pakari, mask of Strength
  • Huna, mask of Concealment
  • Rau, mask of Translation
  • Mahiki, mask of Illusion
  • Ruru, mask of Night Vision
  • Matatu, mask of Telekinesis
  • Komau, mask of Mind Control
  • Kualsi, mask of Quick Speed
  • Volitak, mask of Stealth
  • Tryna, mask of Reanimation
  • Garai, mask of Gravity
...And this is the completed Vahi, mask of time. *Everyone Oohs and Aahs.* Thank you for choosing the Kanohimaster for all your touring needs until next time. (Just kidding... yet again)

Organic Kanohi

  • Suletu, mask of Telepathy
  • Iden, mask of Spirit
  • Calix, mask of Fate
  • Kadin, mask of Flight

Kanohi Nuva

  • Miru Nuva, mask of Levitation
  • Hau Nuva, mask of Shielding
  • Kaukau Nuva, mask of Water Breathing
  • Akaku Nuva, mask of X-Ray Vision
  • Pakari Nuva, mask of Strength
  • Kakama Nuva, mask of Speed
  • Phantoka Miru Nuva, mask of Levitation


  • Vahi, mask of Time
  • Avohkii, mask of Light
  • Ignika, mask of Life

Other Kanohi

  • Infected Kanohi Ruru, Hau, and Huna
  • Copper Mask of Victory (the Huna shaped one)
  • Tanma's mask (wierd mask huh? I wonder if Greg will tell us all what it is?)

Kanoka do it? Sure can!

" ...And these glorious disks will be yours."
— A carving in the Great Temple

Even though I, myself didn't get a whole lot of these they tend to be my most favorite. Partly because of how they can forged into Noble, Great and even Legendary Masks of Power. Here's my extrodinary small list of Kanoka disks:

Kanoka of all types can be found on Metru Nui
  • 143 (Nuhrii's Kanoka disk)
  • 199 (the legendary Kanoka Disk of Time)
  • 334 (Zadakh set Kanoka disk)
  • 338 (Krekka's Kanoka disk)
  • 437 (Ehrye's Kanoka disk)
  • (x2) 447 (Keerakh sets Kanoka disk)
  • 665 (Rorzakh sets Kanoka disk)
  • Vakama's Toa Disk

Ooooooooh... Mysterious, Ever-Scary Krana...

I like Bionicle so much sometimes, I think that I might be a little crazy. Hmm... Nah, It must be all the rest of you that are Bionicle crazy. I'm the totally sane one here, remember?

Nuhvok Za (Active) Kohrok Za (Active) Kohrok Xa (Active) Gahlok Ja (Active) Lehvak Yo (Active) Tahnok Xa (Active) Pahrak Ja (Active) Pahrak Bo (Active) Pahrak Vu (Active)

Kraata are Omnimous, Eerie, and Just Plain Evil

"''You might say I saw the light... by looking into the darkness"
— Gavla

I have several Kraata, but the ever-elusive Sha dow Kraata escaped my grasp. I might think about getting a new Makuta set, you know with the Shadow Leeches...

Ahh!!! Shadow Kraata!
  • Za, stage 6
  • (x2) Xi, stage 3
  • Ye, stage 1, 3, 4, and 6
  • Cu, stage 3
  • Ul, stage 2, 4, and 5

Cordak, Midak, Zamor, Rhotuka. Oh, My!

Although I usually would't keep track of these but now I can't have a sneaky Brakas monkey of a brother losing them all, so I'll just record it here.

  • 28 Cordak Missiles
  • 12 Squid Ammo
  • 4 Midak Skyblaster Ammo
  • 16 Zamor Sprheres
  • 16 Rhotuka Spinners

Gathered friends, listen again to our Legend of the Bionicle...

Here are all the books I have thus far:

  • Bionicle Chronicles #1: Tales of the Toa
  • Bionicle Chronicles #2: Beware the Bohrok
  • Bionicle Chronicles #3: Makuta's Revenge
  • Bionicle Chronicles #4: Tales of the Masks
  • Bionicle: Mask of Light
  • Bionicle Adventures #1: Mystery of Metru Nui
  • Bionicle Adventures #2: Trial By Fire
  • Bionicle Adventures #3: The Darkness Below
  • Bionicle Adventures #4: Legends of Metru Nui
  • Bionicle Adventures #5: Voyage of Fear
  • Bionicle Adventures #6: Maze of Shadows
  • Bionicle Adventures #7: Web of the Visorak
  • Bionicle Adventures #8: Challenge of the Hordika
  • Bionicle Adventures #9: Web of Shadows
  • Bionicle Adventures #10: Time Trap
  • Bionicle Legends #1: Island of Doom
  • Bionicle Legends #2: Dark Destiny
  • Bionicle Legends #3: Power Play
  • Bionicle Legends #4: Legacy of Evil
  • Bionicle Legends #5: Inferno
  • Bionicle Legends #6: City of the Lost
  • Bionicle: Rahi Beasts by Rahaga Norik (just kidding)

Bionicle Comics

I've been around since Bionicle comic issue #11 and I'm still getting them! That's what really got my hooked on Bionicle, the comics. who wouldn't love ten pages of Bionicle comic. I really hope that the next artist is as good as Stuart Sayger. I liked his darker and edgier style a lot more than what I've seen of the preview of the Bionicle Ignition #12 comic's artist, Leigh Gallagher.

Wait... since I just got the 12th bionicle comic, I've kinda changed my mind about Leigh Gallagher's style. It's AWESOME! It is the borderline of Stuart Sayger and the other guys.

Bionicle hits the big screen

Alright, here goes nothing... just kidding. I'll just share with you my two Bionicle movies I have, but I sure do wish that I had Web of Shadows...

  • Bionicle: Mask of Light
  • Bionicle: Legends of Metru Nui

My Bionicle Drawings

Alright I got some of them go to this link here to see them

My Bionicle Games

I have one of the early day Bionicle Game Boy Advance game, Bionicle" Matoran Adventures and the Bionicle Heroes game. Neither are that fun but someday I hope they decide to make a completely Bionicle-faithful storyline game to us, the adoring, annoying and abiorazy (Absolutely Bionicle crazy) fans.

My Bionicle creations (purely made of the traditional Lego Bricks)

Finally, I've done it! Well maybe not but welllllllllllllll... it is after all better than nothing. external image

My Favorite Bionicle Characters

Takua/ Takanuva of course, who woulding like him? I mean, the Ignika, the mask of Life is pretty awesome character, but who doesn't like the only Toa of Light; now officially the only one Toa of Light that is half Light and Shadows. I've wanted this to happen since the notion of Takanuva the Toa of Light.

Oooooooh! Look what I Helped Carve!

  • Matoran page- I helped with adding information to the Av-Matoran/ Shadow Matoran section
  • Again I helped by adding on Phantom to the other Matoran section in the matoran page
  • I created the Takanuva gallery with just a little help from cholie (though I hope I won't need any again)!
  • I created the Dark Hunter Gallery

Laugh at this One!

Hmm... Which one should I use?

"'Who am I, you say? Why I am the masked Kanohimaster, so therefore this isn't seen as what is seen!'"
— Kanohimaster

Hear from ya later! - external image