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Hey ya'll. My name is Joev14, most well-known as the Director and Narrator of the Bionicle: Audio-Narration-Project.
Bionicle: The Audio-Narration-Project
A quick summary to explain what this is. I've always loved reading Bionicle books; in fact, I have a feeling most of you do. I've always wondered though; what would it be like if it were in the form of an audio-book, with somebody reading it out loud? Furthermore, what if all the characters were voiced by different people. What if, on top of all that, there was music added from various Bionicle media to help immerse you in the world of Bionicle? That, is what ANP aims to do.
ANP, Audio-Narration-Project, will begin with the first book of Bionicle: Chronicles: Tale of the Toa. If all goes well, we will continue with Chronicles and finish that series, along with Bionicle: Mask of Light. I hope that if all goes well for Chronicles, that we'd be able to go on to do Adventures, Legends, and the 2009/2010 arc.
As of now, Tale of the Toa is complete! If you're interested in listening to it, check here, or if you're interested in joining, head here!
Bionicle: The Ultimate Storyline Reading Order (2001-2010)
Welcome, Bionicle fans, both new and old, to the Ultimate Bionicle Storyline Reading Order for Years 2001-2010. Now first, to clarify something; this is literally every piece of relevant Bionicle Lore you will ever find. Anything that shows up here is relevant, so if you’re just looking to get the core story, and are too lazy to actually read everything, this is not the place for you. The goal of this list is to literally create the most immersive and knowledge-filled experience possible, and if you follow it, you will officially be a Bionicle Storyline Expert. (Read more here!)