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Hi! This is my very not cool page! Thank you for stoping by! Try reading all the quotes. If you do...then...ah...Good for you!
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I am: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
. Quotes
"But Angonce always had more of a ... curiosity ... about the Agori than the others. He would stay close enough to keep an eye on them." — Tuma, Empire of the Skrall
"Toa. You are an anachronism--pure and noble heroes, still striving for right in a universe of chaos, unwilling to admit that your day is long over." — Zaktan, Island of Doom
"It was Toa who defeated the Dark Hunters when we attempted to conquer Metru Nui. It was Toa who engineered the war between us and the Brotherhood of Makuta that still rages today. Leaving a Toa, any Toa, alive is like keeping a Doom Viper for companionship." — Zaktan, Dark Destiny
"The Kanohi Mask of Life--the most powerful mask in existence--is nearby... the enslaved Matoran and the other Piraka are hunting for the mask even now, never dreaming of its true potential. The power of life... and so, the power of death as well..." — Zaktan, If A Universe Ends
"Horror is looking into the eyes of the Shadowed One, knowing you are about to die ... and then being forced to live. Horror is waking each day to see every part of your body moving on its own, a shifting mass of Protodites where once was solid metal and living tissue. Horror is what is in the eyes of your partners when they look at you ... and in the cries of your enemies when your swarm engulfs them. Don't talk to me about fear, creature--I am fear!" — Zaktan to Irnakk, Inferno
"What's the point of this, Zaktan? You want the Mask of Life, and we don't have it. Fighting us accomplishes nothing." "Wrong. It brings you pain. And we want to go on bringing you pain, Toa. Now lay down your weapons and surrender, or this Matoran dies—-along with many more. You know how many we can kill before you can stop us." — Jaller and Zaktan, Downfall
"His name is Zaktan, he's not as friendly as he looks. If he acts up, just haul him out of the tank and let him gasp for air a few times. That's what I always do." — Helryx to the Toa Hagah, Dwellers In Darkness
"You Toa are all alike--all mewling idiots." — Zaktan, Dwellers in Darkness
"What's next?--The walls close in? Swarms of fireflyers attack? The Shadowed One sings?" — Thok, Inferno
"Yes, you're right, they want the mask. But they can't have it, can they? Oh no, it's mine... it's ours. Without it, what would we have to talk about? Our friendship is based on the mask, after all. Remember what is was like before? My trying to spear you, and your trying to devour me... not at all how friends should behave. " — Vezon, Power Play
"We'll just stand very still and quiet. When they come, they won't even notice us. Or if they do, they'll think, 'Look how still and quiet they are. They would never harm an insect.' Yes, they will see how well we behave and not be afraid to come close and then... and then..." — Vezon, Power Play
"A few grass mats, some cave drawings, the heads of my enemies mounted on the wall ... it could be quite pleasant." — Vezon, Federation of Fear
"Why did we bring him him again?" "He breaks up the monotony." — Spiriah and Lariska, Federation of Fear
"See, the size is a problem, your immenseness. We only have a small boat, hardly more than a raft, really, and if it sinks we have to swim. Personally, I am not big on swimming – some friends of mine went for a swim, I heard, and now they look like sea snakes, just a head and a spine. And I have no spine, so I would be just a head, and --" — Vezon, Federation of Fear
"I think they said something about needing someone who could die horribly without being missed. So, naturally, they thought of you." "Well, naturally. Lead on, and let me show you all how dying's done."'' — Trinuma and Vezon, Destiny War
"Where are we going? Why are we going? Are we going at all, or just sailing in a big circle? Or is it a spiral? I went down a spiral once: a big stone tunnel that went down and down and down, and ended in Zyglak. Whoever built it had no decorating sense at all." — Vezon, Destiny War
"And you still haven't answered any of my one-hundred ten questions, or my follow ups." — Vezon to Trinuma, Destiny War
"It's all a trick, you see. They want me to pretend to betray them. They want you to concentrate your forces here against an attack that won't come. But I decided: Why pretend to betray them when actually doing it would be so much more fun?" — Vezon, Destiny War
"Quite a collection. I prefer sea-shells, myself. Sometimes leaves. Oh, and the heads of my enemies, though those take up so much space." — Vezon, Destiny War
"Who are you and why are you here?" "I'm here to kill you." "Oh. I knew there was something about you I liked." — Vezon and Mazeka, Brothers in Arms
. Talk
Hi again! If you are reading this it means you have read all the quotes(You should have anyway)! Just as a side note, please go to my friend Soph573 and Tobduk's pages.