
From BIONICLEsector01

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:WebsiteCitation/doc

local p = {}

-- The text to place at the end of a WebsiteCitation to indicate
-- that a link in the citation is archived
local ARCHIVE_TEXT = "archived on"

-- The text to place at the end of a WebsiteCitation to indicate
-- that a link in the citation is broken
local BROKEN_TEXT = "broken link"

-- Return a name to uniquely identify the citation.
-- Assumes that mainUrl is not nil.
local function getRefName(mainUrl)
	return mw.uri.encode(mainUrl)

-- Return the main citation link.
-- Assumes that mainUrl and mainLinkText are not nil.
local function getMainLink(mainUrl, mainLinkText)
	return "[" .. mainUrl .. " " .. mainLinkText .. "]"

-- Return a notice at the end of the citation indicating that the citation
-- features a link to an archived resource.
-- Assumes that at least one of originalUrl or archiveUrl is not nil,
-- and that a non-nil archiveUrl is a valid URL that can parse.
local function getArchiveNotice(originalUrl, archiveUrl)
	if archiveUrl == nil then
		return ""
	local archiveMessage = ARCHIVE_TEXT .. " " ..["host"]
	if originalUrl ~= nil then
		-- since originalUrl is not nil, archiveUrl was not used as the main URL
		-- and so should be linked here
		archiveMessage = "[" .. archiveUrl .. " " .. archiveMessage .. "]"

	return " " .. mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{
		title = "C",
		args = {archiveMessage}

-- Return a notice at the end of the citation indicating that the citation
-- features a broken link.
local function getBrokenNotice()
	return " " .. mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{
		title = "C",
		args = {BROKEN_TEXT}

-- Return a notice to be placed at the end of the citation that indicates what
-- type of links are included in the citation.
-- Assumes that at least one of originalUrl, archiveUrl, and brokenUrl is not
-- nil; note that brokenUrl is not passed into the function.
-- Assumes that a non-nil archiveUrl is a valid URL that can parse.
local function getNotice(originalUrl, archiveUrl)
	if originalUrl ~= nil or archiveUrl ~= nil then
		return getArchiveNotice(originalUrl, archiveUrl)
	-- if originalUrl and archiveUrl are both nil, then the link must be broken
	return getBrokenNotice()

-- Build and return the desired citation.
-- Asserts that websiteTitle and mainLinkText are not nil,
-- that at least one of originalUrl, archiveUrl, and brokenUrl is not nil.
function p.getWebsiteCitation(websiteTitle, mainLinkText, originalUrl, archiveUrl, brokenUrl)
	assert(websiteTitle ~= nil)
    assert(mainLinkText ~= nil)
	assert(originalUrl ~= nil or archiveUrl ~= nil or brokenUrl ~= nil)
	local mainUrl = originalUrl or archiveUrl or brokenUrl
	return mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{
		name = "ref",
		content = getMainLink(mainUrl, mainLinkText) .. ". " ..
		          websiteTitle .. "." ..
		          getNotice(originalUrl, archiveUrl),
		args = { name = getRefName(mainUrl) }

-- Pull out the relevant args for use.
function p.websiteCitation(frame)
	local websiteTitle = frame.args["websitetitle"]
	local pageTitle = frame.args["pagetitle"]
    local originalUrl = frame.args["originalurl"]
    if originalUrl == "" then
    	originalUrl = nil
    local archiveUrl = frame.args["archiveurl"]
    if archiveUrl == "" then
    	archiveUrl = nil
    local brokenUrl = frame.args["brokenurl"]
    if brokenUrl == "" then
    	brokenUrl = nil

    assert(websiteTitle ~= nil,
    	   [[WebsiteCitation received no website title;
    	   all WebsiteCitations must have a website title specified
    	   through the `websitetitle` parameter]])
    assert(pageTitle ~= nil,
    	   [[WebsiteCitation received no page title;
    	   all WebsiteCitations must have a page title specified
    	   through the `pagetitle` parameter]])
	assert(originalUrl ~= nil or archiveUrl ~= nil or brokenUrl ~= nil,
		   [[WebsiteCitation received no page URL;
		   all WebsiteCitations must have a page URL specified through
		   at least one of the following parameters:
		   `originalurl`, `archiveurl`, or `brokenurl`]])
    local mainLinkText = "\"" .. pageTitle .. "\""
    return p.getWebsiteCitation(websiteTitle, mainLinkText, originalUrl, archiveUrl, brokenUrl)

return p