
From BIONICLEsector01

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:GregCitation/doc

local bionicleStoryWebsiteCitation = require("Module:BionicleStoryWebsiteCitation")
local bionicleWebsiteCitation = require("Module:BionicleWebsiteCitation")
local bzpowerCitation = require("Module:BZPowerCitation")
local forumCitation = require("Module:ForumCitation")
local websiteCitation = require("Module:WebsiteCitation")
local p = {}

-- Note that NICKNAME_TO_FUNCTIONS_MAP is defined further below, after the
-- functions it depends upon.

------------------------- FORUMS (OGD, FFo, OGDi, OGQ, CwGF) ------------------------

-- Gather the arguments necessary to produce a citation for a post in a forum,
-- and then call the given function with those arguments to build the citation.
-- Assumes that frame and getCitationFunction are not nil.
local function gatherForumArguments(frame, getCitationFunction)
	local pageNumber = frame.args["page"]
    local postId = frame.args["post"]
    local lineNumbers = frame.args["lines"]
    if lineNumbers == "" then
    	lineNumbers = nil
    assert(pageNumber ~= nil,
		   [[GregCitation received no page number;
		   all GregCitations citing a forum must have a page
		   number specified through the `page` parameter]])
	assert(postId ~= nil,
		   [[GregCitation received no post id;
		   all GregCitations citing a forum must have a post
		   id specified through the `post` parameter]])
	return getCitationFunction(pageNumber, postId, lineNumbers)

-- Build and return the desired Official Greg Discussion citation.
-- Asserts that pageNumber and postId are not nil.
function p.getOfficialGregDiscussionCitation(pageNumber, postId, lineNumbers)
	assert(pageNumber ~= nil)
	assert(postId ~= nil)
	local pageTitle = "Official Greg Discussion"
	local archiveUrl = "" .. pageNumber .. "#post" .. postId
	if lineNumbers ~= nil then
		archiveUrl = archiveUrl .. "-line" .. lineNumbers
	return bzpowerCitation.getBZPowerForumCitation(pageTitle, nil, archiveUrl, nil, postId)

-- Build and return the desired Farshtey Forum citation.
-- Asserts that pageNumber and postId are not nil.
function p.getFarshteyForumCitation(pageNumber, postId, lineNumbers)
	assert(pageNumber ~= nil)
	assert(postId ~= nil)
	local websiteTitle = "Mask Of Destiny"
	local topicTitle = "Farshtey Forum"
	local archiveUrl = "" .. pageNumber .. "#post" .. postId
	if lineNumbers ~= nil then
		archiveUrl = archiveUrl .. "-line" .. lineNumbers
	return forumCitation.getForumCitation(websiteTitle, topicTitle, nil, archiveUrl, nil, postId)

-- Build and return the desired Official Greg Dialogue citation.
-- Asserts that pageNumber and postId are not nil.
function p.getOfficialGregDialogueCitation(pageNumber, postId, lineNumbers)
	assert(pageNumber ~= nil)
	assert(postId ~= nil)
	local pageTitle = "Official Greg Dialogue"
	local archiveUrl = "" .. pageNumber .. "#post" .. postId
	if lineNumbers ~= nil then
		archiveUrl = archiveUrl .. "-line" .. lineNumbers
	return bzpowerCitation.getBZPowerForumCitation(pageTitle, nil, archiveUrl, nil, postId)

-- Build and return the desired Official Greg Quotes citation.
-- Asserts that pageNumber and postId are not nil.
function p.getOfficialGregQuotesCitation(pageNumber, postId, lineNumbers)
	assert(pageNumber ~= nil)
	assert(postId ~= nil)
	local pageTitle = "Official Greg Quotes"
	local archiveUrl = "" .. pageNumber .. "#post" .. postId
	if lineNumbers ~= nil then
		archiveUrl = archiveUrl .. "-line" .. lineNumbers
	return bzpowerCitation.getBZPowerForumCitation(pageTitle, nil, archiveUrl, nil, postId)

-- Build and return the desired Chat with Greg Farshtey citation.
-- Asserts that pageNumber and postId are not nil.
function p.getChatWithGregFarshteyCitation(pageNumber, postId, lineNumbers)
	assert(pageNumber ~= nil)
	assert(postId ~= nil)
	local websiteTitle = "LEGO Message Boards"
	local topicTitle = "Chat with Greg Farshtey"
	local archiveUrl = "" .. pageNumber .. "#post" .. postId
	if lineNumbers ~= nil then
		archiveUrl = archiveUrl .. "-line" .. lineNumbers
	return forumCitation.getForumCitation(websiteTitle, topicTitle, nil, archiveUrl, nil, postId)

------------------------------ FARSHTEY FEED (FF) ------------------------------

-- Gather the arguments necessary to produce a citation for a Farshtey Feed
-- entry, and then call the given function with those arguments to build the
-- citation. Assumes that frame and getCitationFunction are not nil.
local function gatherFarshteyFeedArguments(frame, getCitationFunction)
	local entryDate = frame.args["date"]
    local itemNumber = frame.args["item"]
    if itemNumber == "" then
    	itemNumber = nil
    assert(entryDate ~= nil,
		   [[GregCitation received no date;
		   all GregCitations citing a Farshtey Feed entry must have a date
		   specified through the `date` parameter]])

	return getCitationFunction(entryDate, itemNumber)

-- Build and return the desired Farshtey Feed citation.
-- Asserts that date is not nil.
function p.getFarshteyFeedCitation(entryDate, itemNumber)
	assert(entryDate ~= nil)
	local pageTitle = "Farshtey Feed, " .. entryDate
	local archiveUrl = "" .. entryDate
	if itemNumber ~= nil then
		archiveUrl = archiveUrl .. "#item" .. itemNumber
	return bzpowerCitation.getBZPowerBlogCitation(pageTitle, nil, archiveUrl, nil, nil)

----------------------------- ASK GREG (AG04, AG07) ----------------------------

-- Gather the arguments necessary to produce a citation for some other
-- archived page (specifically, one of the Ask Greg pages),
-- and then call the given function with those arguments to build the
-- citation. Assumes that frame and getCitationFunction are not nil.
local function gatherAskGregArguments(frame, getCitationFunction)
	-- There's no need to gather any more parameters!
	return getCitationFunction()

-- Build and return the desired Ask Greg 2004 citation.
-- Note that the archive link does not point to the actual interview, since
-- The Great Archives is not aware of any archive link.
-- Instead, the link points to a page explaining that fact.
function p.getAskGreg2004Citation()
	local mainLinkText = "Ask Greg (2004)"
	local brokenUrl = ""
	return bionicleWebsiteCitation.getBionicleWebsiteCitation(mainLinkText, nil, brokenUrl)

-- Build and return the desired Ask Greg 2007 citation.
function p.getAskGreg2007Citation()
	local mainLinkText = "Ask Greg (2007)"
	local archiveUrl = ""
	return bionicleStoryWebsiteCitation.getBionicleStoryWebsiteCitation(mainLinkText, archiveUrl, nil)

------------------------------- DATA (CONTINUED) -------------------------------

-- A mapping from each source's nickname to relevant functions to call for that
-- source:
-- the function to call to gather its arguments from Template:GregCitation, and
-- the function to call to generate the final citation.
-- Because Lua discovers data top-to-bottom, this table is placed below
-- the functions that it mentions.
	["OGD"] = {
		["gatherArgumentsFunction"] = gatherForumArguments,
		["getCitationFunction"] = p.getOfficialGregDiscussionCitation
	["FFo"] = {
		["gatherArgumentsFunction"] = gatherForumArguments,
		["getCitationFunction"] = p.getFarshteyForumCitation
	["OGDi"] = {
		["gatherArgumentsFunction"] = gatherForumArguments,
		["getCitationFunction"] = p.getOfficialGregDialogueCitation
	["OGQ"] = {
		["gatherArgumentsFunction"] = gatherForumArguments,
		["getCitationFunction"] = p.getOfficialGregQuotesCitation
	["CwGF"] = {
		["gatherArgumentsFunction"] = gatherForumArguments,
		["getCitationFunction"] = p.getChatWithGregFarshteyCitation
	["FF"] = {
		["gatherArgumentsFunction"] = gatherFarshteyFeedArguments,
		["getCitationFunction"] = p.getFarshteyFeedCitation
	["AG04"] = {
		["gatherArgumentsFunction"] = gatherAskGregArguments,
		["getCitationFunction"] = p.getAskGreg2004Citation
	["AG07"] = {
		["gatherArgumentsFunction"] = gatherAskGregArguments,
		["getCitationFunction"] = p.getAskGreg2007Citation

------------------------------ TEMPLATE INTERFACE ------------------------------

-- Return a string containing all the valid nicknames, separated by spaces.
-- Useful for error messages.
local function getNicknameListString()
	local nicknameListString = "{ "
	for nickname, _ in pairs(NICKNAME_TO_FUNCTIONS_MAP) do
		nicknameListString = nicknameListString .. nickname .. " "
	nicknameListString = nicknameListString .. "}"
	return nicknameListString

-- Pull out the relevant args for use.
function p.gregCitation(frame)
	local nickname = frame.args[1]
	assert(NICKNAME_TO_FUNCTIONS_MAP[nickname] ~= nil,
		   [[GregCitation received an invalid nickname (first argument);
		   all GregCitations must have the first parameter set to one of the
		   values in ]] .. getNicknameListString())
	local gatherArgumentsFunction = NICKNAME_TO_FUNCTIONS_MAP[nickname]["gatherArgumentsFunction"]
	local getCitationFunction = NICKNAME_TO_FUNCTIONS_MAP[nickname]["getCitationFunction"]
	return gatherArgumentsFunction(frame, getCitationFunction)

return p