
From BIONICLEsector01

Kratana in Protection?

Currently, we have the worms listed in Protection and the Maze of Shadows game as being the Kratana, but after a bit of research, I don't believe that's the case.

1. a search through the Greg archives of both "worms" and "Kratana" doesn't reveal anything saying they are the same.

2. their behavior is completely different. In both Time Trap and Maze of Shadows(book), the Kratana fly through the air to latch onto their target, but the worms in Protection need to work together to get where they want to go. None of the books mention Kratana having a hivemind, and Protection never mentions their vision-granting abilities.

3. The worms in Protection are said to "cake the walls", and while it is unclear what this means, one thing we do know about Kratana is that they are not slimy.,22

Since there seems to be no source saying they're the same species, and the two species behave differently, this page should probably be split. Since we have so little info on the worms, they can go on the unnamed Rahi page or Creatures page (it's unclear whether they are Rahi or not, but they probably are since they're in the MU). Willess12 (talk) 19:47, 7 March 2024 (UTC)

InnerRayg intended them to be Kratana, they are just called "worms" in the story because "Kratana" is a fan name. More info is on Talk:Rahi, if that helps. TuragaHordika (talk) 23:37, 7 March 2024 (UTC)
Oh, okay. I checked the talk pages for this page and Protection to see if the issue was brought up, but didn't think to check that one. Thanks. --Willess12 (talk) 22:40, 8 March 2024 (UTC)

Time Trap Kratana was just an illusion?

I believe the kratana in BA10 was just a part of Makuta's illusion. Vakama was searching for Makuta's Po-Metru lair and possibly for his journals Onewa found and told others about. He was not searching for a kratana. Also, we know the real source of the Krakua vision because Karkua tells Vakama himself - it is produced by Vakama's gift, just like his other visions of the future: "No Vakama, you are seeing as only you can see. Remember? You were gifted, even as a Matoran, with the power to see fragments of the future. I am one of those fragments, a Toa who will never come to be unless you succeed in your task." I believe the whole kratana thing was just how the vision was interpreted under the illusion. And notice the creature is never mentioned after the illusion dissipates.--ToaKebaka (talk) 17:37, 22 March 2024 (UTC)

While your argument makes sense, Greg himself refers to Krakua's message being delivered to Vakama via Kratana, not through Vakama's regular visions or the illusion of a Kratana. --PeabodySam (talk) 00:48, 24 March 2024 (UTC)
Ok, this is convincing. So Krakua actively sent message to Vakama from the future and used the moment Vakama wore Kratana as his delivery point. But that raises a question: Why did Krakua feel the need to lie to Vakama about the nature of the vision?--ToaKebaka (talk) 11:46, 24 March 2024 (UTC)