User:The BZPower Challenge 2: Team Wairuha Nuva

From BIONICLEsector01
Team Wairuha Nuva is one of two teams playing against each-other in the BZPower Challenge 2. If you're wondering where the other team is, Look Here

— Nearly all the members, Countless occasions

The BZPower Challenge 2: Team Wairuha Nuva
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BS01 Status Active, Active, Active, and Active.
Usual Online Time An immensely large amount of time, considering we're four different people. :P
BZP Name Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons, beastie boy, Choclo, and Toa Spirit (ibrow moved to Team Akamai Nuva)
BZP Status Active, Active, Active, and Active
Online Jobs None, None, None, and Unknown
Age 11, 9, 13, and 12
Gender Male, Male, Male, and Male
Height Do you really need to know? Didn't think so.
Nationality U.S.A., Canada, U.S.A., and UK
Character(s) Jaller, Tahu, Toa Ignika, and Vezon
Set(s) Piraka Stronghold, Vezon and Kardas, Jetrax T6, and Brutaka
Color(s) Blue, Blue, Green, and Orange-Gold
Food(s) Pancakes, Spaghetti, Cookies, and mince and tatties (That's Mashed Potato)
TBZPC2 Challenge History Round 0

Challenge 0 Instructions

Bonus Challenge 0 Instructions

Player Withdrawl

New Player

Bonus Challenge 0 Results

Challenge 0 Results

Round 1

Announcement of the Teams

Challenge 1 Instructions

Challenge 1 Results

Elimination 1



Round 2

Challenge 2 Instructions

Bonus Challenge 1 Instructions

Bonus Challenge 1 Results

WIN: Burnmad


Challenge 2 Results

Elimination 2



Round 3

Challenge 3 Instructions

Challenge 3 Results

Elimination 3



Round 4

Team Reconstruction


Challenge 4 Instructions

Leader Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons
Eliminated Members None
Moved Members ibrow
Personalities, and descriptions (Ourselves and our BZP alter egos) Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons:

I like Metroid. Alot. I also like the Call of duty, Halo, and Need for Speed series of games. I like playing basketball, as much as I stink at it. :P. I rarely ever use "=P," in favor of ":P," because ":P" turns into an emote on BZPower. Anyways, as captain, I will put tons of effort in leading Team Wairuha Nuva to victory, and I wish good luck to Kohrak Kal17, Team Akamai Nuva's captain.


I am a big fan of nintendo. Other than that, I'm pretty smart (mouthed) and like to post on bzpower just to win a new rank. I am great at TBZPC2. I am thinking of quitting bs01, but I am too lazy. other than that, I am just a regular joe with a laptop.


Choclo describes himself as a "Short Black Chao that got kidnapped," and "Normally calm but can get angry."

Toa Spirit:

I live in the UK, where I like Bionicle, The Edge Chronicles books, playing on the computer and mucking around. Most who know me would probably describe me as crazy.


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(Burnmad:) General Stuff

The BZPower Challenge 2 is a fun game, created by Zeero, also know as Bionus, where two teams compete against each-other. It's the sequel to The BZPower Challenge, in which the member Lewa0111, now known as Nite Owl II, won. The runner up was Sumiki, who is now the sequel's co-host.

Team Wairuha Nuva's information is in the user box.

The other team is Team Akamai Nuva.

I am very happy that I ended up the captain of team Wairuha (Nuva), I always liked Wairuha better.

<Pirate>It's the final day, and this is gonna be close, my laddies. Shall we heartily drink a few swigs of rum, or shall we work hard all day? I think the latter!</Pirate>

Hey guys, if you're going to talk about stuff to the left of the UT, please put (MemberNameHere:) before your comments. 'Kay?

(Beastie Boy:) Stuff

Hi, I am beastie boy, A.K.A. mrepic, and I am an annoyance to bs01 and bzpower. I am 9 years old. here is my better version of what this should be: I am a big fan of nintendo. Other than that, I'm pretty smart (mouthed) and like to post on bzpower just to win a new rank. I am great at TBZPC2. I am thinking of quitting bs01, but I am too lazy. other than that, I am just a regular joe with a laptop.

(Choclo:) *TITLE*

(Toa Spirit:) The Creation Of Wairuha Nuva

"As you all have noticed, Team Wairuha has decimated Team Akamai, leaving Team Akamai with only two players while Team Wairuha has all five of its original members. Since it’s quite unfair to have a 5-2 split, we asked the captains to "re-draft" the players so we can reorganize the teams.In order to determine which captain got the first pick, Sumiki picked a number between 1 and 10. Whichever captain got closest to Sumiki's number got the first pick. Burnmad picked 5 and KK17 picked 7. Sumiki's number was 7, so KK17 got the first pick. Also, since we have an odd-numbered amount of players, one of the players was not assigned a team via the draft. That player was then given the choice of which team they wanted to play for. In the draft, KK17 got ibrow and Rorschach. while Burnmad got beastie boy and Choclo. Toa Spirit was the remaining player and he chose to play for Burnmad's team."
— Zeero, BZPC2

Round 0

It was a battle of wits against everybody. There was 30 questions, and malygos had decided things were too fast and chose to quit. This left us to draft in ibrow. Everybody was randomly moving up and down the top ten list. 1 and 2 became the leader. Simple. Beastie Boy and burnmad were competing madly to gain a place in 1 or 2. However, the standings didn't do B.B. justice:

1. Kohrak Kal17: 26

2. Burnmad: 23

3. Beastie Boy: 13

4. iBrow: 12

5. Choclo: 10

6. M.I.A.: 9

7. Gorgnak: 5

8. Toa of Slush: 2

8. ~SK~: 2

10. Toa Spirit: 0

and so, the drafting process began. Kohrak kal17, having come in first, got the first pick. And this all led to these teams being formed:

Team Wairuha:

Burnmad (Captain)

Beastie Boy



Toa Spirit

Team Akamai:

Kohrak Kal17 (captain)



Toa of Slush

~Shadow Kurahk~

Round 1

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Round 2

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Round 3

Challenge 3 was introduced by Sumiki. The Criterion are as follows.

Wairuha Nuva

Challenge 3

The next round of The BZPower Challenge 2 is a BZPower Challenge staple. What you have to do is go to another topic and make a post containing one of the following 20 phrases. Then you link the post back to the topic. The first team to complete this wins.

Due to the fact that the number of players per team is uneven, two Team Akamai players must post twice, and all Wairuha players must post once. That way, there should be 5 posts per team.

Here are the phrases you can use: explosive as a Thornax! weird as a Garai! strange as a Vuata Maca tree! sharp as a Takea shark's tooth! awesome as a Kanohi Dragon! interesting as Energized Protodermis! mutated as Pridak! eccentric as an Eccentric Rock! dangerous as Xia's Mountain! cunning as Roodaka! stupid as Matau! fast as an Avohkah! slow as Kapura! creative as Artahka! busy as the Moto-Hub! hot as the Great Furnace! informative as the Archives! ugly as Gorast! disgusting as Pit Mutagen! tall as a Knowledge Tower!

(In addition, you will receive credit for saying "weirder than a Garai", "stupider than Matau", "busier than the Moto-Hub", "taller than a Knowledge Tower", etc.)

The phrases that have been used cannot be used again. When they are used, they are marked out.

(Also, as a courtesy, please include what phrase you used in your post when you link to it. :))

If you use something other than the ones provided, you will not receive credit.

Link DIRECTLY TO THE POST, not just the topic. Also, if you post a post in a topic where another player posted, you will not receive credit and must try again.

The winner of this challenge was Team Wairuha, this being the last challenge before the teams were reformed in Nuvas. Toa of Slush was then eliminated from Team Akamai.

Round 4

At the start of round 4, reshuffled the teams around to create the Nuva teams. These teams were then given BS01 pages, and the players set to work building them. After a while, Zeero announced the criterion for the challenge. It was as follows:

Challenge 4 Criterion

Content Your userpages should contain pages/blurbs about all team members (including eliminated members) and blurbs about the past four challenges (Challenge 0, 1, 2 and 3) There must also be a userbox for your team which can include things such as an assortment of facts about yourself (and your teammates).(10 points). Also, for your write-ups, are they just one sentence each or do they go into the menial little details? (5 points)

Teamwork First off, I want it to be clear as to which member did what for the page. Be as specific as possible. There must be a section on the page that explains who did what. (3 points) Also, each member should do an equal amount of work. If one member does everything, that's not good. This is a team challenge, so each member should have an equal amount of jobs completed for the site. (3 points)

Format Is everything in one page-stretching userbox or is it like a regular BS01 article with sections and a nice mix of userboxes and text? (2 points)

Language Mechanics Does your website adhere to the rules of proper English language mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation and the like) or are it spellz lik dys! (5 points)

Pictures and Graphics Does the website have pictures and graphics (pretty much just images in general) or is it just several pages of text? (2 points)

This round is similar to Round 3 of the original game.

Our Teamwork

Burnmad did: his, Choclo's, and Toa Spirit's info in the UT (They decided what went there, though), the "Burnmad: General Stuff," section, what you're reading, and the "credit" section.

beastie boy did: his part of the UT, the "Beastie Boy: *TITLE*" section, and (will do:) the "Round 0" section.

Choclo will do: the "Choclo: *TITLE*" section, the "Round 1" section, and the "Round 2" section.

ibrow did: Nothing, as he's not on this team anymore. ; . ;

Toa Spirit did: the "Toa Sprit: The Creation of Wairuha Nuva" Section, the "Round 3" Section, and "Round 4" section.

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Credit to Zeero/Bionus for making the game.

Credit to Sumiki for the banner, hosting the game, and the TBZPC2 Logo.